It might have been the workout or it might have been me, but yesterday was a bit too easy.
Yeah, easy. A word I'm not used to using when speaking about hitting the gym at Raw Fitness Maui. But it was.
We had 10 minutes to do 12, 9, 6, and 3 reps of deadlifts and pushups. I did about 185 lbs for the deadlift but only did regular pushups. Everybody else did the clapping sort. I thought I was being smart because my tri's were still sore from Wednesday's workout but at then end of it I wasn't even breathing hard.
And I don't think it was because I'm in shape yet. Gotta keep this blog honest ya know? It was a very stationary workout so I wasn't getting winded and it played to my strengths.
So why didn't I do the clapping? You know, I guess I'm so used to scaling down my workouts from everybody else that I figured I couldn't do it. But afterwards I tried 12 clapping pushups and it wasn't hard at all. Yeah it took longer than the regular pushups but it wasn't bad.
So I think I'm at the point where I'm going to have to really think about my limits and what my physical capabilities are. RFM is defnitely a technique first kind of gym but it's also a go harder, faster, stronger place too. I guess I'll try to figure this out on Monday's workout.
Also folks, I know this was supposed to be a blog about two gyms and two workouts but damn, trying to squeeze it in is tough. I feel like if I don't go to Crossfit I'll fall behind everyone else (even more so than I am already) whereas Elite Fitness doesn't really have that sort of competition. Then again I haven't been in the ring with anyone so I could be wrong about that. But their MMA conditioning class is great and I really like doing it on Thursdays. It's just I'm so sore after three days of Crossfit that I really need the Thursday rest day or else Friday will be hellish. I don't know, maybe I should skip the Friday workout and do Saturdays. I gotta think about it.
On another note I've been trying to diet as well. The Paleo diet is very popular at RFM and one of our members Derek has lost a ton of weight on their 30 day plan. Guy used to look like the round mound of rebound and now he's lean and mean. Pretty insane stuff. It's basically the paleolithic diet that the cavemen were supposed to have been eating. Nothing processsed, meat, fish, chicken, fruits, vegetables, no dairy and some other rules. I've been trying to follow the diet but I've been cheating here and there. I'd say I'm 75 percent paleo right now. Fruit, chicken, meat and vegetables but I've been having some dairy here and there. I think I'm going to do the 30 day plan November 1st. Here's the link to the paleo diet website:
Wish me luck gang.