Monday, August 15, 2011

She's identified herself

Bump you were right, it was Estelle. Here's the email she sent me today:

Hi, Rod!

It's me, the lady in the parking lot.  I was surprised that you mentioned our conversation in your blog especially since I didn't think you could hear what I was saying over the UPS truck...haha.  I started going to RFM last January but got two injuries (clumsy) and had to start training in May so I stopped going.  I still visit the site because I met some wonderful people and enjoyed my experience that I wanted to keep in touch somehow.

Your "I Hate Cardio" title intrigued me that I had to check out what you had to say.  I swim and do marathons so I, on the other hand, LOVE CARDIO.  It's the weights and strength that I hate.  You write extremely well and I can relate to your experiences.  And I crack up a lot!

So say "hi" to the old timers for me.  And thanks for the mention in your blog...that made my day!  =)


Don't be a stranger Estelle, come and visit us sometime!
