Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Pistol whipped

So back in high school I took a Shotokan karate class for a year. We used to meet in the Paia Community Center and practice for an hour. Before practice we would stretch and warm up, with one of  those warm ups being one legged squats. Yeah. You stick one leg out, squat down on one leg and then come back up. I used to be able to do 10 on each side no problem.

Welllllllll, that was a long time ago. Try more than 20 years. Today at Raw Fitness Maui we brought those suckers back although now I hear the official name for that one legged squat is to do a "pistol." Mainly because you feel like shooting yourself afterwards.

So now when I do pistols I fall back on my ass once my I squat past my knee. The whole workout was 5 handstand pushups, 10 pistols (5 on each side) and 15 pull ups for as many rounds as you can handle in 10 minutes. I did 5 rounds and was about to hit the pull ups on the 6th when time ran out. Not bad. Of course I had to put a wooden box under me while doing the pistols but I didn't feel so bad. I don't think anyone did those unassisted. Even our trainers. You need some king sized quads to handle those babies.

And once again the handstand pushups saved my ass. I can crank out about 12 to 15 of those at a time so five is minor. Here's the proof:

Also congrats to Bob, my cousin's husband who I talked into becoming a believer in RMF. He finally joined the regular workout crew (he was having personal training sessions before this to get himself ready) and he tore it up. Go Bob!!!

The workouts are getting less hilarious I know, sorry guys. Don't worry, I sense there will be more humiliating workouts ahead so stay tuned. Promise.