Saturday, April 16, 2011

I finally go to Kaiser, two WOD's in one day and Bistro Manila

Hey, so I finally went to see a doctor about my back this week.

I told him about how my back hurts when I perform certain movements and guess what he said?

"Well if it hurts just don't do those movements anymore."

Right on doc, that was SOOOOOOOOOOOO helpful.

You da best braddah.


Anyway, the doc sees I'm less than thrilled with his diagnosis so he says, "Well you can always get a second opinion, would you like to see one of our physical therapists?"

Why yes doc, seeing as how you look like the scarecrow from the Wizard of Oz and don't know what it's like to perform a physical action I would like to talk to someone who knows something about body mechanics.

I'll come back to see you when I'm 88 and need some Viagra then you can tell me, "Well just don't do those movements anymore."

Maybe then I'll listen to you. Then again maybe not.

Okay, so I get to go see Mr. Robert "Bumper" Kikuchi on Thursday (I think). Fix me up coach.

Nuff said on that subject.

On a related note, do not drink alcohol after giving two vials of blood. I did that Thursday and paid for it Friday. That and the tetanus shot didn't help either. I had two martinis and a stout which should NOT have affected me but it wiped me out. The next day was a disaster and I had to stay home and recover.

No it wasn't a hangover. Hangovers don't give you a fever.

So no, I did not enjoy my visit to Kaiser. On the bright side I've learned that the snack shop at the clinic has a killer lau lau plate.

Okay, so on to the workout part of this blog, which is why we're all here right? Well I didn't workout Friday and went in today (Saturday). Big crowd, lot of people there for the workout which was 60 bar facing burpees, 30 overhead squats and 10 muscleups.

Yes I said 60 burpees. Painful. But I was more afraid of the overhead squats.

The last time I did these my back felt like crap. Kehau said it best today. "Overhead squats reveal all your weaknesses."

You have to have the lower body strength to do the squats of course, but also the balance and upper body strength to hold it above your head. If you're missing any of that you're screwed.

I'm missing two out of the three so I had to play it smart. No big weight (the big boys were doing 120 lbs) so I figured I should do about half that.

Good  thing too. The 60 burpees weakened my legs and I managed to squeak out 15 overhead squats before taking off  the weight and just doing the bar. Then since I don't have muscle ups yet I did deadhang pullups but only managed 8 before the 10 minute clock ran out.

Not bad. I'm well aware of my limitations by now and know how to push myself without breaking myself. There's no way I could have squatted more weight. I do need to work on those muscle ups though.

And afterwards I even stayed to do the strength portion of Friday's workout. Deload week so I did light to medium weight for shoulder presses and deadlifts.

AND THEN I got everyone to go check out Bistro Manila because it was hot as hell and the halo halo there is so cold and nice.

Oh yes, that was good stuff.

And to the doc at Kaiser, there's no reason why I shouldn't have a sore back while doing overhead squats. Trembling legs, shoulders and arms yes, but not my back. And the reason why I want to be able to do the squats is because I can.

It's reason enough for me, so should be reason enough for you too.

Adios gang.
