You know when I joined RFM there was this guy Derek Meyers, and he looked like this:
But then that guy went on Paleo and frickin ran and worked out like a madman and guess what, he's skinnier than me now. He's even skinnier than that pic below which was taken last July in the Whole Foods parking lot. (Yes we tailgated in the Whole Foods parking lot at Maui Mall after the WOD. It was awesome.)
Anyway, DMeyer. Good guy, great friend, dedicated athlete and inspiration for anyone out there that wants to change your life. No excuses, he just did it. He said I'm not going to eat like crap and I'm going to push myself every day and have an healthy and active lifestyle and still have fun at the same time.
How many of us can say we had the guts and discipline to do that? We're gonna miss you buddy. Come visit us again sometime. Not sure when I'm going to be up in Bend, OR but you never know. Cause I gets around.
Okay . . . that was sad. But DMeyer would want us to go on with the blog.
So here we go.
Today I packed my lightweight red shoes that I love so much because the workout said we would be running, doing power cleans and toes to the bar.
Then Mother Nature said "Nah, let's send two storm systems your way instead."
So when I get to the gym I realize that unless I felt like swimming 400 meters there was no way we were stepping foot outside today. Then I see Kristi writing on the board that we were doing double-unders instead.
Okay, these red minimalist shoes are GREAT. I love them.
Except when it comes to double-unders. Then I refuse.
Why? Try doing double-unders barefoot and whip your toes with that rope. It freakin hurts doesn't it? Well that's how it feels. My shoes offer no protection at all. Hence the whole minimalist thing you know?
So usually if I see DU's on the website the night before I make sure and bring my old New Balances. I know enough of you guys have seen me rip through the double-unders so you know I can do them. But I have to do them with regular shoes.
ANYWAY . . . that's why I was like eff that I need substitution. I could either run in the rain or . . . hit the rowing machine.
But then I noticed there was another option, that funky stationary bike with the digital readout and the hand pump things that went back and forth. Whatever it's called.
I was like, cool, it's even got a timer on it. I asked Bump about it and he was like, "Just go really hard like you see those guys train on the Ultimate Fighter." Okay.
I'm not dumb, I know that thing is going to be tough as hell. But I still rather do that then break my toes.
Anyway, by the time the workout starts Kehau is snickering, Kristi is smiling and Frank is looking at me like I'm from Mars.
The original workout called for a 400 meter run, 15 power cleans, 20 toes to bar, an 800 meter run, 15 power cleans, 20 toes to bar then another 400 run to end it all.
Everyone else did DU's instead of running and I was on the stationary bike.
It wasn't pretty. That bike kicked my ass. You know what really hurts?
My forearms.
I can barely type on the keys right now, but I had to. Had to dedicate this I Hate Cardio blog to D-Man.
Gonna be a much quieter gym without you. Aloha and God bless.