Monday, April 9, 2012

Chyna Planks. Greatest RFM Warm-up Demonstration EVER

So everybody knows I Hate Cardio.

But I especially hate certain types of cardio. Specifically burpees and thrusters.

And today we got to do them both in one workout. Happy happy joy joy.

But before we talk about the WOD, let's talk about the warm-up. Because today was a warm up like no other.

For today Freddy and Chyna were taking the reins and leading the 5 p.m. class.

If you don't know who Freddy and Chyna are then go read my last post. Or check out They're quite qualified.

Even so, I was a little nervous. My back gets tight real easy and I sorta depend on the watchful eyes of our coaches, one of which is a certified physical therapist, on keeping me out of trouble and pain.

But I shouldn't have worried. Turns out Freddy has flexibility problems as well and Chyna says her back flares up so much that she doesn't even bother doing deadlifts anymore.

I was like, wow. Really? So I can have a whacked out, lower back prone to spasms AND be a world class athlete?

That's not what they said but that's how I heard it. Made me feel better about myself and the fact that I can move beyond my physical limitations or what I considered my limits.

Anyway, so Freddy steps in for Bump and he starts the warm-up. We do this 100 rep jump rope race and I find out how slow I am on singles. It was like jump rope, 10 burpees then jump rope 10 burpees and repeat. Definitely something to get the heart racing.

It was pretty different from the slow, methodical torture that Bump puts us through but just as effective. Then we laid down on our backs and did some sort of "Simon-Says" game with our four limbs that I'm not going to even try to explain here.

THEN . . . we do this plank thing which Freddy calls up Chyna to demonstrate.

Now, if you've read my last blog or met Chyna in person you know what she looks like. Not going to explain here.

Today she's working out in a bikini top and my 6-year-old son's underwear.

Needless to say we were all watching her plank technique very seriously. I've never studied the proper plank form with more intent.

At some point I looked around the room to see if others felt the same way I did but no one's eyes met my gaze because they were paying attention to the demonstration.

After the demonstration I planked like I've never planked before. Oh how I planked. With one arm and one leg in the air we planked and tested our core strength.

Then it was over and we could all breathe again.

Freddy must have wanted to make sure he didn't lose our attention because he added good mornings to the warm-up and called upon Chyna again to demonstrate.

All I have to say is that the Crossfit One World Gym in Union City's membership must be through the roof.

Then, praise God we were allowed to lift some weights. Deadlifts. I was very happy to lift weights of any sort at that point.

(Before I start talking about the workout I have to talk about braddah Bruce. I was setting up my bar and asked if Bruce wanted to work out with me. Chyna was listening and afterwards when Bruce responded she said "I have no idea what he just said.")

Okay, some quick lessons in local talk for everyone.

Bruce's response to me was, "Ho what brah you like jump in wit me and Ikaika? We stay set up ova dea already."

What he meant was, "Excuse me my friend, would you like to join Ikaka and I? Our deadlifting area is set up and so is our bar, so feel free to rotate into our workout."

Thanks Bruce but I counted him, Ikaika and Kats over there and just me and Ken over here. Ken's a good guy and I like working out with him, somehow he pushes me without saying anything.

Today I didn't do too bad, I think we went up to 270 and only cranked out 7 reps. Ken did 9 I think. Not my best deadlift workout but my back was tightening up and I was worried about the WOD.

So WOD time comes and Freddy tells us to man up and grab a heavy weight. I do 95 pounds. It's enough, believe me.

Because I'm sticking with what Bump said earlier last month. Go for speed and reps. Strength comes from the strength workout. Use the WOD to work the cardio.

Stick to the plan, stick to the plan.

So I do. Today the WOD was you had 2 min 30 sec to run 200 meters, do 10 thrusters then pound out as many burpees as possible in whatever time you have remaining. Four rounds.

The clock starts and we hit it. (Can I say how good it feels to run in my Saucony Hattori's? They're the best.)

I come in last for the first run but I finish first for the thrusters. At least I think I did. Then I pump out 12 burpees.

We get to rest for 90 seconds between rounds and during that time I'm thinking if I can do 10 burpees per round I'll at least do half of what Chyna did. (She had 82 burpees.) It's a good goal.

Well I did 10 burpees each for rounds 2 and 3 but by round 4 I was out of gas. Three burpees in the time I had left. Dayum.

So I had a total of 35 burpees. Not bad. I'm content.

And so today we say goodbye to Freddy and Chyna. Thanks for the memories and hopefully I can figure out what the problem is on my blog so that you can leave some comments.

Oh and Chyna, thanks for the promotional material. I'm making t-shirts with this picture then going on a tour of every single Crossfit gym in America and blogging after each WOD.

Yeah right, not a bad idea though right? Take I Hate Cardio on the road, might be fun.

Later gang, see you at the box,
