Monday, April 30, 2012

Thanks. I think.

I'd like to thank Bruce and Patty for trying to fix my back today before the WOD.

Bruce tried to rip the skin off of my lower back and Patty tried to drag me across the room by my legs.

Other than that I had a great time.

Ok I'm going to have to finish this blog later. My hamstrings are totally whack right now in my right leg.


Yeah okay  that shower helped. Whew.

So today. I squatted. With Bruce.

I did five reps of 225. He did ten reps of 315.

My right leg hamstrings were bothering me the whole time I was driving home. They're still bothering me now as I type this blog.

I think it's from squatting. But who the hell knows. Maybe it's from the WOD.

Today's WOD was seven handstand push-ups, 14 KB swing and 28 DU's for five rounds.

I tried going fast. Finished just before 9 minutes at 8:59.

Felt good about that. HSPU's were good. KB's didn't kill the back. DU's were moving pretty quickly.

In fact nothing to complain about except this damn tightness in my leg.

Okay, let's see if it's there tomorrow. Pain pain go away, come again . . . when I'm not supposed to enter a power clean competition at the end of the week.


Late guys,
