Friday, April 22, 2011


So this week has been interesting. Some tough workouts accompanied by an interesting revalation.

There IS something wrong with my back.

First thing's first though, I've learned the maestro of mayhem for the workouts this week was none other  than our very own Kehau, or Tehau as her tribe on the island of Samonga calls her.

Lots oh pain this week. Angry pain. The kind  that makes you say, "Who the hell came up with that workout?"

Thanks Tehau. Let's look at the list for the week shall we?

Monday: Back squat supersetted with good mornings. I lift with the two young guys Pat and Rory and they force me to go heavy. Bastards. Then comes the fun part: four rounds of 200 meter sprints, 3 squat cleans, 5 push presses and AMRAP sit-ups. My joy knows no bounds.
Tuesday: Turkish get-ups. I'm not explaining this one except to say 20 of them is too much. They don't even do these in Turkey anymore. Then Helen, which is 3 rounds of a 400 meter run, 21 kettlebells and 12 pullups. The kb swings killed my back AGAIN and so I stopped during the second round.
Wednesday: Started off w/ some bench and supine rows (which I like actually) then TWELVE freaking rounds of 6 "dynamic" pushups (which prove Tehau is Samongan because you have to slap your chest on your way up), 6 V ups and 6 jumping squats. All of this has to be done in a minute. The sooner you finish the sooner you rest.

Can I point out how evil this is? If you fall behind you're screwed because you will never get to rest. She even used all 6's so this is the 6-6-6 workout. Go to church woman.

Finally today we have 21-15-9 reps of deadlifts and handstand pushups. I may actually enjoy this one, we'll see.

Oh yes, now that news about my back.

I went to the physical therapist on Thursday, you all know which one. Anyway I got some xrays and I've got one of my lumbar vertebraes sticking out past the others ever so slightly. It might be the reason my back gets stiff during certain workouts. Or maybe not. But I'm leaning towards yeah, that's the sucker that hurts me.

Answers are good. Just like how I know who to blame for this week's hell.

I'll fix you both soon, yes, very soon.

Happy Good Friday gang, see you at the gym.
