Yesterday I had to look at the workout that was posted online like three times. This is what was posted:
4 rounds:
Run 400 meters
Rest 2:00
That's it. No wall balls, no box jumps, no front squats. Nothing. Just running. At first I thought, wow, piece of cake. Then I looked at the 2 minute rest again and said to myself, crap, they want us to go all out.
Yeah, see that's the thing when you incorporate those other things with running, nobody goes all out. You're running at cruise control because your legs are usually cabbage by the time the 400 meter comes up.
But this, this was another level of evil. Just run flat out, rest, then run flat out again. So simple in its deviousness that I almost admired it. Almost.
See, we have some real nutcases at our gym, and I know nobody was going to try and pace themselves on this run. Especially Derek. Ever since he lost all that weight he's been working out with the intesity of a heroin addict looking to score some smack. There's no stopping him. Plus he's got that injured shoulder so what he can't do with the weights he tries to make up in cardio. In other words, the gimp is fast.
So anyway, we power through our strength workout which includes five sets of 2 rep snatches and 3 sets of 3 rep deadlifts. I made the mistake of lifting with Kats for deadlifts, that guy throws up some mean weight. I think we started off with 225 then kept going up to 285. Tough but I wasn't worried about the weights.
Then we start running. Everybody lines up like we're going to film a scene from "Chariots of Fire" and then we take off when Kristi says GO. To my surprise Bob is off like a racehorse with Derek in second. I might have been third. My buddy Josh was right behind me and the two gals were coming up from behind.
That was the first round. Let's skip to the fourth lap. Bob and Lori and I were last. Derek was first of course. But surprisingly my friend Josh came in before me. Not that Josh is out of shape, but he's a thick guy that hasn't been doing Crossfit as long as I have. But good for him. Bastard.
They averaged out all four of my times for each lap and I think I had a 1:37. Josh had 1:24 or something like that. We were blown out.
Now, about this time I would end this blog but I need to keep going beyond this workout to tell you a related story about the aftermath of this run. I got invited to a fundraiser in Paia and invited Josh to check it out with me. Anuhea was playing, there was a bikini fashion show, the works. Josh and I are both on the Whole 30 diet and we still have 17 days to go before we can drink alcohol but it was still fun to check out.
Except at some point Josh ends up resting in his truck. In the middle of the girls with bikinis struttin their stuff on stage. I asked him if he was okay and he said, "Brah, that run killed me. My legs are f--ked up."
See, that's what you get for trying to beat my time. Next time run slower. Hahahahahahha.