Monday, April 18, 2011

The pain is coming

I can see it.

Like when you see the tide pull back too far out and you know there's a huge wave coming.

Yup. I'm gonna be hurting tomorrow.

We did squats today, sorta heavy. Then another one of Bumper's mad doctor workouts.

Run 200 meters then come back and squat clean three times, then do five push presses then AMRAP of sit ups, all within 2:30.

Afterwards I looked at Kats and said, "I think I've got a headache from this workout."

I've felt tired, I've felt sore and I've felt regret after certain Crossfit workouts, but this is the first time I've felt ill.

Then again I figure it's like those guys at the gym that squat till they puke. Today was like that except puking was not the final goal.

Oh man I'm feeling my quads twitch as I write this. Geez.

Think I'm gonna lie down now.