Friday, October 29, 2010

Failure IS an option

Today was the first 9 a.m. weekday class I went to at Raw Maui Fitness, mainly because I have to catch a flight this afternoon and won't be able to go to the 5 p.m. class. It was me, Jun and Mary, who is crazy fit. I think she was lifting more weight than me on the push press. Damn.

Anyway today's workout was 21, 15 and 9 reps of kettlebell swings, pullups and box jumps. My time was 7:36 or something like that. (If anyone sees my time on the board and it's NOT 7:36 let me know). Which was kinda odd because our trainer Kristi said usually it takes 10 minutes and I know I haven't improved THAT much.

Well, it turns out my pullups were too damn easy. I was using the green rubber band to assist while Mary was using the skinner purple band. Shoot. Okay next time I use the blue band at least.

BUT . . . I am proud to say I almost killed myself trying to box jump the 24 inch box today. I was trying to push it and managed to crank out 6 when I didn't clear the top and almost ate it. But hey, I tried. That's when I realized failure is fine as long as it's while you are reaching for something beyond your grasp. Next time I'll  do at least 10 of the 24 inch box jumps and then pretty soon it'll be for the whole workout.

So, 24 inch box jump attempts good, sissy green rubber band pullups bad. And I should have probably increased the weight of my kettleball too.

I'm getting there folks. It's comin. In the meantime have a safe and fun Halloween because I am done working out and blogging this week. Five days in a row is enough for me. Can't wait to start again on Monday. Then again maybe I'll check out Hardass Crossfit on Oahu while I'm there this weekend. Hmmmm . . .

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Back to Elite Fitness

So when I started this blog I promised a comparison between Crossfit and MMA style training. Except I've only gone to the MMA gym (Elite Fitness) a couple of times while I have been religiously going to Crossfit.

There's a couple of reasons for that, one is when I don't go to Crossfit it's like I fall back and gotta start all over again. Two is that Elite Fitness is kinda out of the way in Waikapu.

Anyway, I promised myself that I would go today to the 10 a.m. MMA cardio class. And I did. And let me tell you, it is a short but intense workout. First we ran around the mat, did footwork and squats and these crazy lunge things that I can't even explain. You get down on one knee and drag the foot from the other leg across the floor. Tough as hell. Throw in some burpees and clapping pushups and I was sweating like crazy.

Ernest is the MMA cardio trainer and it's different every time I go there. Last time we were slamming sledgehammers into giant tires and this time we were doing kicking and punching drills. Thank God I have some martial arts training in karate because I would have sucked at this otherwise. As it was I didn't have the footwork that the other guys had. Plus it's obvious that my right leg is the only one I ever threw kicks with. My left couldn't break a chopstick.

The two workouts are similar as far as being short and intense and have you dripping with sweat the whole way through. But both have different goals. MMA is preparing you for the ring of course, trying to punish your body so that you have stamina to go round after round. Crossfit is just a great all around workout trying to give you functional strength for everyday life. I can see an MMA fighter doing Crossfit to improve his conditioning (and I hear some do) but I can't see a Crossfit athelete doing MMA stuff for some reason. I mean, you wouldn't need to know how to throw a right hook during the Crossfit Games or anything like that.

However Raw Fitness Maui does reccomend that sports be a part of your life, so why not have MMA fill that void? Bump plays soccer regularly and told me he was doing judo until he blew his knee out so me doing MMA stuff doesn't seem that far off base. I'd like to start longboarding again too, not that I ever did it regularly but just to get out in the water on a regular basis would be great.

Man, one more workout tomorrow at Crossfit then I'm done for the week. Hopefully I can keep this routine up. See you tomorrow folks.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Can you remember that? Six minutes and 22 seconds. That was my time tonight for our workout of the day. That's how long it took me to do four rounds of 5 pushups, 5 renegade rows (per each side) 5 deadlifts, 5 cleans, 5 squats and 5 push presses all with 40 pound dumbbells.

It was tough but I like weights. Weights make me happy. Cardio not so much. That's why this blog is called, "I hate cardio".

Also today I promised Coach Bumper to start recording my times. Everyone else that works out at Raw Fitness Maui has a notebook where they write down their workout and their times. That way you can look back and say, "Hey look, I sucked less at this workout today than I did three weeks ago. Right on."

Actually it is a useful tool and I should do that. But I have this blog and why not keep my times on here? So when you see this WOD - 6:22 it means Workout of the Day - six minutes and 22 seconds.

6:22. Remember that time. The next time we do this crazy dumbbell marathon I expect to either slash that by a full minute or increase my weights to 50 pound dumbbells.
Yeah you heard it here first. Rod is starting to push the envelope, take it to the next level, go the distance or whatever they say when you're ready to get serious.

Because today I noticed that some of my chin fat was disappearing. WHAT? That's right bitches.

I used to be a tv news reporter and CHIN FAT is the enemy folks. Why you ask? Well if your face gets fat then you look like $hit because that's usually all people see on tv right?

I got out of tv long before my chin fat started to grow and moved to print news but it was still depressing to think that if I ever decided to go back to tv I would look 100 times fatter than I used to.

But now I see there is hope. It is October 27, 2010 and my time today was 6:22.

What's yours?

Running scared

Tonight was a straight up cardio blast. Running and sit-ups. Specifically run 400 meters and then come back and do 20 situps. You had to accomplish this feat within 3 minutes over an 18 minute period. That's 6 rounds of this cr@p.

Now, 18 workouts ago I might have been coughing up a lung. But I've actually improved a bit so I didn't do too badly. Lori was running way ahead of the pack and she tried to say she was going to fail before the workout started. "Oh I'm sick, I've got stuff in my throat, you're going to run way past me" blah blah blah blah.

Well Lori is the typical humble local girl with legs of steel. Former track girl, long jump and sprints and all that. Anyway, running is NOT a weak point for her. Maybe I can beat her at military press but freaking A that girl can take off running so I knew for all her complaining she was going to blast past everyone. Could she have run faster if she was completely healthy? Sure, but she still beat everyone. I just like thinking about stuff like that as she blows past me on every lap. Makes me feel better about coming in second.

Oh by the way, I promised Coach Kikuchi that I would tell everyone that I'm actually IMPROVING my physical condition while working at Raw Fitness Maui. He's afraid that my blog makes it look like I just get beat up every workout. I DO get beat up on every workout but in all honesty it hurts less and less every time. Progress right? You know it.

By the way, someone figure out what 40 percent of 190 pounds is. I hate math and I need to figure out which dumbbells to use to hurt myself with for tomorrow's workout. Oh joy.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Get a grip

Today I heard some good news. Kehau, the female workout machine at Raw Fitness Maui, said when she first started working out she couldn't even do a pushup. Now she cranks out dips on the rings. What rings? Those gymnastics rings that you see in the olympics. Yes, that's right folks, at RFM they want you do do ring dips. They ain't easy.

Except Kehau manages to crank out sets of 15, 12 and 9. The whole workout was dumbbell hang cleans, knees to elbows and ring dips for 15, 12 and 9 reps and I think I did mine in 9 minutes. Probably more and not less. But I didn't do the ring dips, in fact nobody did ring dips except for Kehau. I don't want to make excuses but I think I'd be able to stabilize myself if I hadn't had that pec tear earlier this year. But I can still crank out regular dips so at least there's that.

And yes I wore underwear today. Or as Kristi asked, "Are you in uniform today Rod?" Yes, don't be afraid, the children will not go blind.

So I got this week and then it's the start of the Paleo diet on November 1st. Thirty days of natural foods and no processed stuff like sugar and pasta and all that. The tough part is going to be no dairy. I loves me some ice cream. And beer. Damn it. But it'll be nice to see the muscles under my gut again. I might even have the nerve to post some shirtless pics. Gotta bring the sexy back you know.

By the way, I apologize if some of you just threw up in your mouth after reading that last line. I know I did. But I do plan on going through with this 30 day Paleo diet. But first let's get through this week.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Commando squats (or, why you should wear underwear when you workout)

It was my last blog I believe when I promised you more hilarity to my workout stories.

God has answered my prayers, for today I ripped my workout shorts.

And no, I was not wearing underwear.

Let's start from the beginning.

Today was a nice mix of a 400 meter run, followed by 15 overhead squats, for three rounds. Not too bad right? My muscles were ready, however my shorts weren't. They were cheap K-Mart workout shorts that I think I got for $8 earlier this summer and when I squatted down too far today they split during our warm up.

It was so loud everybody heard it and I jumped up and turned around so that the two females in the gym, Kristi and Kenna (who is only in high school), weren't flashed. I felt my backside and the rip went from . . .
well let's just say everything was exposed.
Yes, it was bad. I was imagining doing the run and cars behind me crashing as they glimpsed a view that should not be viewed in public. Or flashing Kenna and then having her parents filing a restraining order against me.

Luckily someone left a towel at the gym. Unfortunately it was a child's Power Ranger towel that barely wrapped around my waist. Still, it was long enough to block everything so I went for it. Hell, I've been writing about pregnant women and one armed gimps doing this workout so I can't let a little clothing malfunction do me in right? Yeah, didn't think so.

I was last behind Bob and Kenna but I powered through the squats better than I did before. My legs are getting stronger I think because the last time I needed to keep resting. Then again everytime I squatted I could see parts of myself sticking out in the mirror, so I think that had something to do with my increased motivation to finish. My running needs improvement but hopefully that happens over time.

Now I must wash this towel, as there is sweat on it from areas of my body that no child should ever come into contact with. There are several lessons to be learned from this story, which I shall list below:

1) Wear underwear
2) Do not buy cheap workout shorts
3) Bring your own adult sized towel everywhere you go, just in case

Have a good weekend gang,


Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Pistol whipped

So back in high school I took a Shotokan karate class for a year. We used to meet in the Paia Community Center and practice for an hour. Before practice we would stretch and warm up, with one of  those warm ups being one legged squats. Yeah. You stick one leg out, squat down on one leg and then come back up. I used to be able to do 10 on each side no problem.

Welllllllll, that was a long time ago. Try more than 20 years. Today at Raw Fitness Maui we brought those suckers back although now I hear the official name for that one legged squat is to do a "pistol." Mainly because you feel like shooting yourself afterwards.

So now when I do pistols I fall back on my ass once my I squat past my knee. The whole workout was 5 handstand pushups, 10 pistols (5 on each side) and 15 pull ups for as many rounds as you can handle in 10 minutes. I did 5 rounds and was about to hit the pull ups on the 6th when time ran out. Not bad. Of course I had to put a wooden box under me while doing the pistols but I didn't feel so bad. I don't think anyone did those unassisted. Even our trainers. You need some king sized quads to handle those babies.

And once again the handstand pushups saved my ass. I can crank out about 12 to 15 of those at a time so five is minor. Here's the proof:

Also congrats to Bob, my cousin's husband who I talked into becoming a believer in RMF. He finally joined the regular workout crew (he was having personal training sessions before this to get himself ready) and he tore it up. Go Bob!!!

The workouts are getting less hilarious I know, sorry guys. Don't worry, I sense there will be more humiliating workouts ahead so stay tuned. Promise.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Damn it, I'm going to have to start pushing myself

It might have been the workout or it might have been me, but yesterday was a bit too easy.

Yeah, easy. A word I'm not used to using when speaking about hitting the gym at Raw Fitness Maui. But it was.

We had 10 minutes to do 12, 9, 6, and 3 reps of deadlifts and pushups. I did about 185 lbs for the deadlift but only did regular pushups. Everybody else did the clapping sort. I thought I was being smart because my tri's were still sore from Wednesday's workout but at then end of it I wasn't even breathing hard.

And I don't think it was because I'm in shape yet. Gotta keep this blog honest ya know? It was a very stationary workout so I wasn't getting winded and it played to my strengths.

So why didn't I do the clapping? You know,  I guess I'm so used to scaling down my workouts from everybody else that I figured I couldn't do it. But afterwards I tried 12 clapping pushups and it wasn't hard at all. Yeah it took longer than the regular pushups but it wasn't bad.

So I think I'm at the point where I'm going to have to really think about my limits and what my physical capabilities are. RFM is defnitely a technique first kind of gym but it's also a go harder, faster, stronger place too. I guess I'll try to figure this out on Monday's workout.

Also folks, I know this was supposed to be a blog about two gyms and two workouts but damn, trying to squeeze it in is tough. I feel like if I don't go to Crossfit I'll fall behind everyone else (even more so than I am already) whereas Elite Fitness doesn't really have that sort of competition. Then again I haven't been in the ring with anyone so I could be wrong about that. But their MMA conditioning class is great and I really like doing it on Thursdays. It's just I'm so sore after three days of Crossfit that I really need the Thursday rest day or else Friday will be hellish. I don't know, maybe I should skip the Friday workout and do Saturdays. I gotta think about it.

On another note I've been trying to diet as well. The Paleo diet is very popular at RFM and one of our members Derek has lost a ton of weight on their 30 day plan. Guy used to look like the round mound of rebound and now he's lean and mean. Pretty insane stuff. It's basically the paleolithic diet that the cavemen were supposed to have been eating. Nothing processsed, meat, fish, chicken, fruits, vegetables, no dairy and some other rules. I've been trying to follow the diet but I've been cheating here and there. I'd say I'm 75 percent paleo right now. Fruit, chicken, meat and vegetables but I've been having some dairy here and there. I think I'm going to do the 30 day plan November 1st. Here's the link to the paleo diet website:

Wish me luck gang.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

finally, an all upper body workout

Today's workout consisted of 12 push presses and 12 dips for as many rounds as you can handle in 10 minutes.

As we used to say back in high school, "Crackahz." No really, I actually mean it.

I know I whine a lot after these workouts but that's because my lower body has been untrained for 38 years unless you count the kicks I've thrown in several years of Shotokan karate. Anyway, it's a hell of a lot easier for me to push my upper body than it is my lower body. I've been lifting weights since I was 16 but it was all bench and curls and military press. You know, big muscles for the beach kind of thing. It's only now that I'm doing this olympic powerlifting hell that is Crossfit that my legs are learning all sorts of painful lessons that I didn't learn back in high school.

But throwing weight up with my upper body? Yeah, that's something I'm used to. I cranked out six full rounds plus 8 push press reps today. Usually I don't make it past four rounds so today was definitely a good day.

I haven't told anyone this yet but I want to compete in the Crossfit games one day. Maybe on the national level. That and I want to run the Kona Ironman at least once. A buddy of mine said recently that he realized once men pass a certain age, there is no such thing as "maintenance" workouts anymore. When you're younger you can get away with putting in a certain amount of excercise and still look and feel good. You don't have to have any goals, nothing to aim for. Just walk into the gym at least twice a week and throw some weight around.

Well that $hit doesn't cut it anymore apparently. I've got no choice if I want to stay in shape. Either I get stronger and faster or I get weaker and lazier. I really believe there's nothing in between once you get older than 35. So why not keep moving forward? Sounds better than having your physical well being slowly disintergrate as time passes by.

Why am I thinking about this? Well, mainly because I had a good day today. Everything seems possible after a good day. Does for me at least. I'm thinking no rest day tomorrow. Time to hit up Elite Fitness again and see if I can handle another round of MMA cardio conditioning. Hoo-rah.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

training for the zombie apocalypse, or how I let a one armed guy beat me today

Yes, it's true. First a 5 month pregnant lady kicks my ass at a Crossfit workout. Then a 12 year old boy. And now Derek the Wonder Gimp with one arm laps me by a mile.

Today the workout sucked so bad only three of us showed up. Derek the beforementioned gimp, Kevin the minicardio machine and yours truly. The task before us was to run 400 meters then squat 50 times for four rounds.

In case you suck at math that's a total of 1600 meters and 200 squats. My quads were already crying when I read the workout online the night before.

To motivate us Bump said to imagine as if we were training for the zombie apocalypse and needed to have our stamina up in order to avoid the legions of the undead. It kind of pumped me up. For the first 400 meter run that is. By the time I counted my last squat I was praying that the zombies would catch me because I would have told them to eat my legs first to stop the pain.

I came in last of course, after Gimp boy. Derek has been going hard core and I suspect him to be smoking meth before coming to our workouts. At least that's my excuse for him beating me today. It can't be because he's in better shape than me right? Maybe I should stop drinking at noon, it could be affecting my performance.

it's all about technique, of which I have none

So today I learned I could possibly have a slipped disk in my back. Or just really really inflexible. Take your pick.

We were doing  High hang cleans at Raw Fitness Maui today and I just couldn't get the movement right. There were like three trainers surrounding me trying to give me pointers but I just wasn't getting it.

Then to top it all off I kept having to stop and stretching because my lower back was getting tight. Kristi, one of the gym owners, was concerned because I seem to have a tight back a lot during workouts. I told her I just thought it meant I was out of shape. She seemed to think it might mean I have a slipped disk and should see a doctor about it. Nice.

By the way I think I should mention that I already hate tomorrow's workout. Run 400 meters then do 50 squats for four rounds. It. Will. Suck.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Thrusters, pull-ups and double unders, oh my

So my last blog talked about handstand push-ups and how I love them. Well true to form on Friday the Raw Fitness Maui workout included three of my most hated enemies. Thrusters, pull-ups and double unders. Damn them.

Thrusters are bad enough and no, it is not a Kama Sutra move. Think squat plus overhead press. It basically punishes your legs until they're worthless pieces of spaghetti noodle. Then there's the pull-ups. In college an old workout buddy and I used to do weighted pull-ups. And just earlier this year I used to be able to crank out 12 but ever since my pec tear I can only do 8.  But at RFM all the girls there can rip 'em out like nothing. Okay, sorry, I meant WOMEN. It's very humbling.

And double unders are a jump rope technique where you get that rope under your feet twice on one jump. I can do 3 in a row but the workout called for reps of 12. That's right, 12 thrusters, 12 pull-ups and 12 double unders. For four sets. I did it but I just couldn't do all 12 reps for all of the thruster sets. My legs were cabbage after the first one.

No Crossfit today. Well, there is a Saturday class but I've got some work to catch up on. I'll probably go for a run on the beach and then attempt swimming a bit in the ocean at some point. I need to buy a long board. Anyone got one for sale?

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Damn burpees

I like upside down pushups. I am actually a stud at upside down pushups. When I was 17 I broke my arm and had to rehab myself doing upsidedown  pushups.

Get the picture? And today for Crossfit we were doing upside down pushups.

Granted it was 3 upside down pushups, 5 deadlifts and 10 burpees for as many rounds as you could in 10 minutes.. Still, it was so easy I almost felt bad for everyone else.

Except, while I ripped through the first two I SUCKED at burpees. Basically after 5 rounds I looked like a jumping platypus.

If It was a straight up upside down pushup workout I would have kicked ass. If it was a deadlift contest I would have kicked ass. But throw in those damn burpees and I was mortal like everyone else. It's always something I tell you.

Anyway, tomorrow is MMA conditioning day. Stay tuned.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Let's talk about Tito

Sometimes when kids tell you want they want to be when they grow up you smile and say, "that's nice", but inside you think, "An astronaut? Yeah right kid." Well, there's a 12-year-old boy who works out at my gym that I don't doubt for a second when he says he wants to become a professional UFC fighter. His real name is Thomas but everyone calls him "Tito."

Tito doin his thang in the gym

So to cut to the chase, Tito kicks ass. He runs faster, jumps higher and just blows the doors off of every workout we have. I hear he takes jujitsu and if so I feel sorry for the other kids in the class. He must twist them into pretzels.

So today was another standout Tito moment. The first part of our workout was upside down handstands. Basically you just throw your legs up against the wall and try to hold your self upside down for as long as you can. I did a minute and five seconds. My other two partners Kats and Derek went for a minute 20 and a minute 46 respectively I think.

Then there was Tito. He went for two minutes and more. I forget how much but he kicked all of our asses. Good for him. I actually got mad at the boy the first time I worked out next to him because he was jumping around like a jackrabbit and I was going into cardiac arrest. But honestly the kid is an inspiration. Hopefully I can get my little boy conditioned like him. (Not that I want him to become a UFC fighter but you know that I mean.)

Anyway, that was the first part of the workout. The second part was five rounds, count 'em FIVE rounds of 30 situps, 20 box jumps and 10 pullups.

And I did the whole thing. No skipping reps. I came in last but damn it felt good to finish the whole workout without having to make any modifications. Today felt good. Time for a beer.

Be careful what you wish for

On Friday I complained about how I had to scale back the workout and do a lesser version of what everyone else was doing. Today I did the full workout but was wishing I could give up at the same time. Of course Bumper the gym owner and head torturer felt the need to take pics of my pain. Thanks Bump.

Actually the Raw Fitness Maui workout wasn't too bad, three rounds of 10 reps of front squat followed by a 400 meter run. I repped out the first 10 reps pretty quickly but then totally lagged during my run. By the last round I was the last guy out of four running back to the gym. My legs were okay and not too fatigued but my lower back was killing me. That sort of made everything stiff and I felt like the Tin Man trying to run.

But at least I didn't rerack my weights like I wanted to in the middle of my set. A small victory I guess but I'll take any kind of a win I can get right now. Yay. Hopefully tomorrow I get to write about how I set a new record but somehow I feel that post won't be written until 2011 at least.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

My injury

Since today is a rest day I'll take this time to tell you about my injury earlier this year. Basically I tore my right pectoral by being stupid. What happened was I had been doing Crossfit at our gym in Albuquerque but it wasn't a Crossfit class. A friend of mine had introduced me to the website and we would copy down the workout for the day that was posted then do it at the gym. This was my first serious attempt at getting back to the gym after like 3 years or something like that. Anyway, my body was responding well to Crossfit and after like a month I felt better physically than I had in a long time. The only thing was, we didn't do a lot of benching, it was mostly push ups when it came to a chest workout. Well after a grueling Crossfit workout one day I figured I would get on the bench and put some weight up, just to see how much strength I had gotten back. So I warm up with 135 then slap on 185 next. No problems. So far so good. Then the real test of 225 comes and I rep that bastard like 12 times. Effortlessly. Right about now I'm thinking Crossfit has made my body invincible so I throw on 275, a weight I had not done in years. Mind you before this if I did a weight I couldn't lift I never got injured. It just meant I couldn't lift it and it would sit on my chest or shoulders until someone helped it off of me. So I had no fear while putting the weight on. Either I would lift it or I wouldn't. What I wasn't prepared for was that there was a third possibility. Pain.

While lifting the weight up I felt something explode in my right bicep. The pain was incredible and thank God one of my wife's coworkers also happened to be working out that day and was spotting me. I couldn't breathe and felt like I had to throw up. I was rolling around on the bench then on the floor. I was f---ed up.

Anyway, the next day I had bruises on my right bicep and right side of my ribcage. The doc said I tore my pec and unless I got surgery it would stay torn. He held up four fingers and said "this is what your pec muscles used to look like." Then he held up two fingers and said, "Now they look like this." Basically I ripped half of them. Great.

So now I take it slow when I bench of course. I've put up 225 again but I'm afraid to go any heavier. I posted a pic below of the bruising from back in March. The moral of  this story, take it slow and do it right. Some of these gym injuries are no joke.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Annoyed at gnats and angry at myself

If you've been outside on Maui in the last couple of days you might have noticed swarms of gnats flying around. Not like Biblical plague proportions where clouds of them block the sun or anything, but enough where if you're running and breathing hard you will inahle nine or ten of those buggahs.

Anyway, the gnats were annoying but not my biggest concern today. Today I had several other things on my mind when it came to my Friday fitness routine. These concerns were:

1) It was a bastard of a workout at Raw Fitness Maui
2) I had no recovery day because I chose to do the MMA conditioning class at Elite Fitness on Thursday
3) I am the weakest sister in the freaking class

Yeah, no joke. Here's why. Today at RFM we had one of those workouts where you look at what's listed on the board and wonder how fast your gym mates will dial 911 after you collapse. First thing I saw was a sequence of numbers, "10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1," followed by some even more frightening words, namely "hang power snatch", "overhead squats" and "ring dips."

Now what does this mean? It means you do 10 hang power snatches, 10, overhead squats and 10 ring dips. Then you do 9 hang power snatches, 9 overhead squats and 9 ring dips. You getting the picture?

Oh yeah, then you run 400 meters, which is fine. But when you come back you do everything in reverse sequence: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.

BUT what really really really sucked is I didn't do the listed workout. Nope. I had to scale it back to where I (1)  was just lifting the bar w/ no weights, (2) only did a 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, then a 10, 8, 6, 4, 2 sequence and (3) did regular dips instead of ring dips.

Of course gym owners Bumper and Kristi were totally on target when they suggested I scale it back because I almost died doing the lesser workout anyway. Even so, part of me WANTED to die while going for the complete workout. I was watching one of our members named Derek who went all out and I totally wished I could have been there with him. Instead I scaled it back. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr . . .

Ah well, I guess I really can't wait to write that blog about how I had the fastest time, lifted the most weight or did the most reps one day. It'll happen one day I guess. It's just that making slow but steady gains is hard for a guy with no patience.