Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Let's talk about Tito

Sometimes when kids tell you want they want to be when they grow up you smile and say, "that's nice", but inside you think, "An astronaut? Yeah right kid." Well, there's a 12-year-old boy who works out at my gym that I don't doubt for a second when he says he wants to become a professional UFC fighter. His real name is Thomas but everyone calls him "Tito."

Tito doin his thang in the gym

So to cut to the chase, Tito kicks ass. He runs faster, jumps higher and just blows the doors off of every workout we have. I hear he takes jujitsu and if so I feel sorry for the other kids in the class. He must twist them into pretzels.

So today was another standout Tito moment. The first part of our workout was upside down handstands. Basically you just throw your legs up against the wall and try to hold your self upside down for as long as you can. I did a minute and five seconds. My other two partners Kats and Derek went for a minute 20 and a minute 46 respectively I think.

Then there was Tito. He went for two minutes and more. I forget how much but he kicked all of our asses. Good for him. I actually got mad at the boy the first time I worked out next to him because he was jumping around like a jackrabbit and I was going into cardiac arrest. But honestly the kid is an inspiration. Hopefully I can get my little boy conditioned like him. (Not that I want him to become a UFC fighter but you know that I mean.)

Anyway, that was the first part of the workout. The second part was five rounds, count 'em FIVE rounds of 30 situps, 20 box jumps and 10 pullups.

And I did the whole thing. No skipping reps. I came in last but damn it felt good to finish the whole workout without having to make any modifications. Today felt good. Time for a beer.

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