As many of you know I am back from Vegas. I will not go into details except to say I did not come out ahead financially. I did lose/have my wallet stolen but that might have been a good thing as I was forced to not spend anymore money.
But this isn't a blog about Vegas. This is about how I Hate Cardio. And there's nothing like coming back from a week of not Crossfitting and hating cardio all over again.
Friday was my first workout since I've been back and it wasn't THAT bad. Some deadlifts and good mornings then the WOD. I lucked out coming back on deload week. Because of my back I don't go all out on deadlifts anymore, so I know I'm not doing as much as I could. But you gotta listen to your body. At least when I'm not in Vegas I listen to my body.
Sorry, had a small flashback. The trip was sort of like a combination of Fear and Loathing and the Hangover. Without illegal drugs of course. There was a lot of confused wandering though.
Anyway, the workout. Deadlifts. Kat's is going to hit 400 soon and I would like to also, but I'm afraid of my back. Just as I'm afraid of doing more than 225 on bench because of my torn pec. I'm taking it slooooowwwww.
Then came the WOD. Six power cleans with no squat. I laugh at that. But then they added 40 double unders. For four rounds. Are you frickin serious.
By the way, I can DO double unders now. Like ten in a row. After that I get tired and start doing five and six. And then three and four then one and two. But I can do 'em.
It's frickin tiring though. Oh damn. Now I know why everybody complains about their shoulders. Had no idea the shoulder muscles involved in spinning that rope around twice on one jump.
Suffice to say, that was sorta brutal. After the second round I got confused and didn't know what round I was on, so I followed Kats. I knew we were working out at about the same speed because I ripped through my power cleans but was not as fast as he was on DU's so after I was done with what could have been my third or fourth round I watched him. If he grabbed the barbell again we both had just finished our third and still had our fourth left. If he sat down I was done too.
Bastard walked over to do more power cleans. Damn it.
I ripped through that last round and ended with a time of 11:27. I think. My back isn't happy.
But my liver is happy to be home. And so is my lingering bank account. Next time I get excited to go to Vegas someone please talk me out of it.
But this isn't a blog about Vegas. This is about how I Hate Cardio. And there's nothing like coming back from a week of not Crossfitting and hating cardio all over again.
Friday was my first workout since I've been back and it wasn't THAT bad. Some deadlifts and good mornings then the WOD. I lucked out coming back on deload week. Because of my back I don't go all out on deadlifts anymore, so I know I'm not doing as much as I could. But you gotta listen to your body. At least when I'm not in Vegas I listen to my body.
Sorry, had a small flashback. The trip was sort of like a combination of Fear and Loathing and the Hangover. Without illegal drugs of course. There was a lot of confused wandering though.
Anyway, the workout. Deadlifts. Kat's is going to hit 400 soon and I would like to also, but I'm afraid of my back. Just as I'm afraid of doing more than 225 on bench because of my torn pec. I'm taking it slooooowwwww.
Then came the WOD. Six power cleans with no squat. I laugh at that. But then they added 40 double unders. For four rounds. Are you frickin serious.
By the way, I can DO double unders now. Like ten in a row. After that I get tired and start doing five and six. And then three and four then one and two. But I can do 'em.
It's frickin tiring though. Oh damn. Now I know why everybody complains about their shoulders. Had no idea the shoulder muscles involved in spinning that rope around twice on one jump.
Suffice to say, that was sorta brutal. After the second round I got confused and didn't know what round I was on, so I followed Kats. I knew we were working out at about the same speed because I ripped through my power cleans but was not as fast as he was on DU's so after I was done with what could have been my third or fourth round I watched him. If he grabbed the barbell again we both had just finished our third and still had our fourth left. If he sat down I was done too.
Bastard walked over to do more power cleans. Damn it.
I ripped through that last round and ended with a time of 11:27. I think. My back isn't happy.
But my liver is happy to be home. And so is my lingering bank account. Next time I get excited to go to Vegas someone please talk me out of it.
I will say this though, because I was on mostly a "liquid diet" in Vegas I lost even more weight. (Which I put back by eating crap when I got home this past week, whatever.) I tried to take a picture but didn't do a real good job, forgot to turn off the flash on my Blackberry. I know I'm going to get stupid comments about this but whatever. I don't usually put pictures of myself on this blog but you gotta show the progress at some point right?
Okay gang, peepshow is over.