Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Nothing to prove

Today I realized that my biggest change since starting Crossfit has nothing to do with my muscles.

It's actually my attitude.

Case in point, today my back started cramping up while doing the strength workout. Five sets of three rep hang power snatches.

Snatches are usually something I'm good at but today my body was not having it.

That's when I knew I was in trouble for the workout of the day. Fifty kettlebell swings, a 200 meter run, then 35 kb swings followed by a 400 meter run, and finishing with 20 kb swings and an 800 meter run.

 I knew my back was going to be fried, so I actually told Bumper if I could switch the workout.

See, back when I started I never would have said anything. I just would have tried to power through like an idiot.

Now I know, you're not doing your body any favors by pushing through pain.

Because thanks to Crossfit I know the difference between pain and strain.

When I strain to finish burpees or thrusters or power cleans it's a good thing.

But pushing through pain so you wreck yourself has no use in the gym.

What's the point? You prove you can take a beating? And you end up not being able to workout for the rest of the week while you recuperate.

So yeah, today's workout didn't go as planned. But I'm listening to my body now.

It's definitely a good thing.

Now if only I can stop listening to my body when there's a Red Velvet cake around, I'll be in business.

