Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Working from home

Not sure if I'll make it out to the workout today, but if anyone is coming from Haiku or Paia to do the WOD let me know.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Following Ken

I don't usually write about Ken on my blog. He's a quiet dude that doesn't draw any attention to himself.

He's a good athlete though and more often than not gets good scores/times on his WOD.

And while he's not exactly someone I'd call inspired, he freaking pushed me hard today. And he wasn't even trying.

So today was deload week for power cleans. Ken and I are sharing a bar and I tell him I didn't do my one rep max so I'm not sure what weight to use for this.

He says, that's okay, we'll just go up to 175.

I kinda blinked because that's not a weight I would have associated with the words "deload" and "power cleans" in the same sentence.

To me that means go light and work on your technique. And Ken's not a "go crazy lift as much as you can" sort of guy either.

Anyway I agreed and we start lifting. I'm not feeling it. Ken keeps telling me I've got great form and so does Bumper but I'm not exploding off the ground like I should, nor am I pulling my arms up high enough.

So after we hit 145 I tell Ken that I don't think I'm going up in weight anymore. His reaction was classic:

"What? Why? That's not heavy is it?"

From anybody else I would assume they were talking smack. Not Ken. He really couldn't understand why I did not want to go up in weight.

And so I did.

I continued to struggle and have problems but at least we were lifting Ikaika weight and so he joined us now. At the end of the workout I was sweating bullets. A hard  feat during deload week. Thanks Ken.

BUT THEN . . . we break up into three stations for the WOD because we're doing dips, sit-ups and air squats, five rounds of 30 seconds of work and 30 seconds of rest.

I start off with the sit-ups and who's there with me? Ken.

I don't notice him at first but then we get to the dips and there he is, cranking out three dips for every one of mine on the rings.

Then we hit squats and I'm thinking, he's going to dust me unless I match him squat for squat. And so I try.

I'm surprised nobody noticed. I was right behind Ken and doing my best to go up and down at the same time as he was. I figured if we were even on the squats I'd have a chance to pass him on the sit-ups and have a better overall total, even if he was beating me on the dips.

Didn't exactly work out that way. But I definitely worked out a lot harder because of him today, so once again, thanks Ken.

Anyway, on to more important issues. Like my next pair of Crossfit shoes.

I've got more bills to pay but by my next paycheck I'll be ready to get an upgrade.

Kehau tried to talk some sense into me today, but I can't help it. I'm going to get some Pumas.

Besides, I keep hearing people complain about those Innovates and I can't see myself wearing shoes with built in toes.

Gonna get me some yellow Esito Vulc Sala Indoor trainers. Oh yeah. Google 'em.

Later kids,


Saturday, January 28, 2012

Counting Your Reps

I don't usually get serious on this thing but I have to point something out here.

You get from Crossfit what you put into it. There are no prizes, no trophies for lifting the most weight or having the most reps, just personal satisfaction that you pushed yourself and will feel great tomorrow (after you feel exhausted today).

That said, why would you want to cheat  yourself and not be honest about your reps?

Come on, does it really mean that much to have the fastest time next to your name if you secretly doing 12 reps instead of the 20 that everyone else was doing?

Derek is a good example of a guy that sticks to the workout no matter what. Foolishly he picked the 40 pound dumbells even though he had to do overhead lunges and has a gimp shoulder. He ended up finishing last but he stuck to it because he wants to improve his shoulder strength.

He's got goals and he's attacking his weaknesses. I know he cares about his WOD score but that's secondary to improving himself first.

Once in a while I'll sandbag and choose a lower weight (especially for thrusters) but I won't skip out on reps. The only exception is when I'm so brain-fried in the later rounds that I'm like, "Wait, where am I and what round am I on?"

So, hey, don't just count those reps. Love those reps. They're like gold. Everytime you skip one it's like throwing away money.

Personally I love to hate them, but I still count every last one of the.

Anyway, thanks for letting me stand on my soap box, on to other news . . .

First off, Kehau, aka Tehau, aka the reason people searching for the term "Samoan woman" on Google end up at my blog, has recovered from her illness and returned to the gym.

Actually she's not quite recovered and I heard her coughing a bit yesterday. That might be why I ALMOST beat her during the WOD.

I know what you're thinking, you're thinking, "Hey Rod, are you actually trying to brag about ALMOST beating a still recovering girl who just got back to the gym and probably isn't 100 percent yet? Really?"

No, I'm not bragging. I'm just stating a fact. I was like 30 seconds behind her finishing time. Might have been 40 seconds.

But damn it I beat the other women. And the guy who just joined this week. Yeah.

Also I must really apologize to Patty. We sorta kinda fought over the red jump rope in the gym on Wednesday because it was one of those that doesn't get tangled up. She relented and took a crappy rope instead.

But when the WOD started I SUCKED. I should have just handed that rope back to Patty because I wasn't doing any good with it. I wasted the rope. She could have gotten double the reps she did if she had my jump rope and I probably would have gotten the same because it was just one of those days. Derek was right, some days you have double unders and some days you don't.

Actually I owe Patty two apologies. While doing planks I was farting like crazy and she was right behind me. I can't help it. Any sort of workout that involves strengthening your core muscles and I'm pushing out gas.

You'd think that I would feel more embarrassed by this but I've heard enough of YOU folks next to me to know that I'm not the only one with this problem. Thank God the fan was facing Patty's direction on Wednesday though.

Okay guys, I have to work today so I WON'T be doing the Saturday workout which looks like it sucks anyway. But I would have if I didn't have to work.

Later kids,


Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Lunges hurt

You know that feeling when you look up at the WOD board and think, "Yeah, that doesn't look too bad today?"

Well whenever you think that you are wrong. You're always wrong.

This is not a theory or a hypothesis or an educated guess. This is just the truth. It's a law of inverse Crossfit reaction to RFM workouts.

Every single time, and I mean every single time, that I have thought I was going to have an easy workout I have been completely off-base.

It's not that I think it'll be easy, I know it's going to be hard. But it's the degree of hardness which I'm always wrong about.

Take the other day when we did the run, box jumps and push ups. I'd rate that a 7 on the scale but when I looked at the board I was thinking more like an 8.

Today I saw the board and thought, 7, because it was a dumbell complex of power cleans, push presses and lunges.

Eff that, it was a 9. Those lunges were nuts. I did the first round (we had to do 5) and was like WTF?

See, you had to hold the dumbells over your head while you were lunging. Not only did that make your shoulders tired but you have to stabilize your core muscles too.

What that means is you're doing a shitload of work for just to do five lunges on each leg.

The icing on the cake was that we got to rest five minutes then do 30 burpees.

In comparison the burpees were almost relaxing compared to the lunges. I think I relaxed too much though. While I was trying to go slow and steady my gym buddies were ripping it. Bruce and Ikaika and Derek all finished around the 1 minute mark while I almost needed 2 minutes.

Yeah . . . .oh well.

On another note, been checking out these Puma Fast Cats Crossfit shoes. They look sweet AND I can wear 'em with jeans.

Hey if I'm going to spend $80 I'm wearing those suckers more than just at the gym. Check 'em out:


Aight, I'm out. Later guys.


Monday, January 23, 2012

A Good Workout


So today's workout wasn't exactly one of my bread and butter workouts. Run 800 meters, do 10 box jumps then 10 push ups and see how many rounds you can hit in 10 minutes.

Push-ups I can do. The other crap not so much.

Plus the back was tight again. DMeyer helped me stretch though and I kinda skipped the deload strength workout.

But hey, you gotta listen to the bod right? Besides, I hate to have seen what would have happened if I hadn't stretched.

So we start off and of course, everybody blows past me. Derek and Bob and Patty and Kats and everyone.

We got to the halfway mark and turned around and as we started running downhill I was like, "Hey, I might be able to catch up to a few people."

So I passed my first victim, she who will not be named but she does cute little cheers during our workouts. Anyway usually she always runs in front of me but when I passed her this time I must have caught her by surprise because I heard her say, "Oh really?" as I ran by.

Then I went past Kats and another guy that just joined. Only Bob, Thumper (no I didn't just develop a lisp, we have a Bumper and a Thumper at our gym now believe it or not), and Derek.

I wasn't going to catch up to them but I did start jumping as soon as I got near my box. Whatever my reasons I even used the taller box than I usually use. I figured I can jump 10 and not kill myself.

Anyway we start jumping and I'm not going slow but I'm not going fast either. Just a steady pace.

Push-ups were tough with that pause at the bottom but I ripped through those as quickly as possible and then it was time for the box jumps again.

Before we knew it the 10 minutes were up and I had pounded out 5 rounds and 4 leftover box jumps.

Not amazing but better than usual. The thing I'm most proud of though is this: I didn't stop.

Yep, that's right. Usually I'd be on the floor DURING the workout, trying to catch my breath. This time though I kept a steady pace, no resting, at least not for more than a second or two.

I don't know, maybe my body was just happy that I only had to run the 800 once. Maybe Bump saying that he didn't want those rebound jumps helped me concentrate on doing good technique and slowing it down enough for me to relax.

Who knows, whatever happened it worked though.

And by the way Erin H, the Pats are going DOWN . . . NEW YORK BABY!!!!




Thursday, January 19, 2012

Almost wished I didn't look at tomorrow's workout

Running, thrusters and burpees.

You know, I go to Honolulu for business and miss a couple of days of Crossfit then I come back and I see the worst workout ever posted for Friday.

I'm already not looking forward to Saturday. I see much pain and suffering in my future.

Please God, give me Man Strength for tomorrow's workout. Amen.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Man Strength

Today was push press for strength again. This time we were looking for that 1 rep max.

The last one rep max I had was 205 and my technique sucked. This time I had a slightly better idea about what to do and how to do it. 

But first I want to talk about a phrase Bump coined today. It's called, "man strength".

We were watching Bruce put up 215 earlier and it got stuck right above his head while his elbows were bent.

Usually when someone gets stuck right there it's all over. It's not supposed to be humanly possible. Especially with push press. You lose the momentum from the dip drive that you generate with your legs and it's all up to your shoulders.

Except Bruce has man mountain shoulders. That damn thing was stuck above his head for several seconds, enough time for anyone's muscles to get exhausted with 215 overhead. 

Frickin Bruce pushed that thing up anyway. Just pure strength. Bump looks at me and says "that's man strength."

Now before I or Bump get any accusations of being sexist I have to clarify. Not every man has "man strength" and you don't have to be a man to have "man strength." 

Bruce has man strength because he did the impossible, because that weight should not have gone up from that position but it did.

Case in point, when my turn rolled around I ended up with 215 as well. I got it up, barely. Afterwards I saw stars, little birdies and bright lights surrounding my head and my back felt like someone hit it with a sledgehammer.

That's not man strength, that's just all sorts of stupid. But I had slightly better form doing 215 than I did doing 205 months ago so I'm happy about that.

Then came the WOD. Ten handstand pushups, 15 pull-ups, 20 air squats. Those pull-ups killed me. 

Figures I finally learn how to do double unders but I let my pull-ups slack. Lame. 

Also, I received a few comments about my handstand technique where I kick my legs against the wall as fast and as hard as I can. This saves me a couple of seconds.

Kats said he thought I was going to smash through the wall. Sorry buddy, it's an advanced technique, I can teach it to you but it might take a few months to master it. 

Seriously though, I think everybody should try it. Bet you do faster HSPU rounds next time. 

And because I invented it they can name the technique after me. Like the Antone Kick Stand Start or something. 

Come on, you know you want to try it.

Okay peeps, I'm out.


Thursday, January 12, 2012

Single Digit Body Fat

So we're going through one hell of a workout on Tuesday that involved one of those 20 seconds of work 20 seconds of rest things. Eight rounds that started off with kettlebell swings, then sit-ups then burpees.

The burpees were killer. I was kinda bogging when Bump yells at me, "C'mon Antone! This is a big year for us! Let's get it down to single digit body fat this year!!!'

Now you guys know me, I get exhausted fast and nothing anyone yells at me can snap me out of my haze but Bump managed to do that.

See, this is the year I turn the big 4-0. Yup, me and Bump and the rest of Maui High School Class of 1990.

Single digit body fat at 40? Can it be done? Of course. Will it be done? Tough but . . . I want to.

Be nice to take off my shirt and not be sucking in the gut. (Not that it helps) I mean, I feel 100 percent in better shape because of RFM and people have noticed. But getting the six pack back is a special project, which involves all kinds of factors and work outside the gym.

I can do it. All it takes is money for certain kinda groceries, packing meals the night before and caution when it comes to eating out.

Single digit body fat percentage. Wow.

Okay, enough about that crap. Yesterday we did a strange one workout. Five dips, 10 lunges and 15 double-unders, AMRAP for 3 minutes. Rest, then repeat for a total of 3 rounds.

Strange because it wasn't completely exhausting. And wonderful because once again I cranked out double unders at light speed and I had a witness.

My first round I did them in front of Bump and it was fast. Like I'm talking first one done with the round kinda fast and Bump was like, "Yeah Rod, YEAH!"

Here's the weird part though. I did a total of 8 rounds and my timing for double-unders was off from the second to the six round and then I got the rhythm back for the last two rounds.

Oh, that and I need my own jump rope. I've been lucky enough to use Lori's every single time but I'm getting my own soon on Friday. Hopefully Sports Authority has some options.

So yeah, I finally got double-unders and it feels good. It's taken almost two years but better late than never and just in time for year 40.

Alright gang, see you Friday,


Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Thank You Google Analytics

Here are some key phrases people type into search engines and end up coming across the I Hate Cardio website. Number three is my favorite.

1. I hate cardio
2. cardio killer
3. "samoan woman"
4. rod antone
5. should i have to wear underwear while doing squats
6. squatting without underwear
7. wear underwear when you do squats

Sunday, January 8, 2012

My legs still hurt and tomorrow we have thrusters

That doesn't mean I'm NOT going to go to the workout tomorrow . . . I probably will.

It's just that it's gonna hurt.

I'm going to try to do Saturday's workout at home, tonight, then take a shower and rest up these legs.

Twelve thrusters then run 200 meter. Whew. Attack the weaknesses right? Here we go.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Bruce is a beast and why I love/hate DMeyer and OHS

So my last post I talked about being strong and getting it done this year.

I was serious by the way.

And then I saw yesterday's workout posted and it made me regret those words: 7 rounds of 7 overhead squats and 7 burpees.

Damn, damn, damn, damn it all.

That's a brutal workout. One of those that messes with your mind beforehand and your body afterwards.

Of course for strength we were doing front squat, just in case you thought that you were going to start the WOD with fresh legs, think again.

I had an excuse not to go too. Had a work obligation at Akaku with the boss at 7 p.m. I could have gone home and had dinner or stayed at the office and got some stuff done.

But instead I got in the car and drove to RFM for a hellish workout.

DMeyer was there along with Kats and Lori, Alex and Tito.

And Bruce. He's new but he is a beast. Bruce feels no pain.

I say this because Bruce is about 5 years older than me and hasn't squatted in seven years. But he gives it his all every single time.

During the WOD I know his legs were hurting but he kept going and didn't rest. He was a machine. A beast machine.

(There was one funny part though where Bruce thought he was on round six but he was actually on round five and he was like "FAACKKKK I GET TWO MORE ROUNDS TO GO!!!")

My only saving grace is that we were paired up with a partner to help keep count and to my horror it was DMeyer.

Derrick is a slave driver, he'll push you and he's relentless. At least he gave me five seconds to rest between overhead squats and burpees though.

I needed that though, otherwise I might have given up. But believe it or not the WOD wasn't the worst part.

The worst part was afterwards, as I was laying on the floor and realized with horror that I was expected to count for D while he did his WOD.

D was all ready to go and I couldn't even stand yet. I had to drag myself to his side of the gym and I counted from the floor. Kinda hard to push someone while you're wasted physically yourself.

But I did try. D was on his seventh round and the clock hit 5 minutes and I was like, "Finish before you hit 5:30, DO IT !!!"

He did it, and with 95 pounds as his weight too. (Rest of us used 65 pounds or the bar).

DMeyer and Bruce, you guys is the bestest. Please continue to inspire and push me so that I may feel like crap every day after the WOD.

On another note, has anyone noticed having PERFECT posture after doing overhead squats WOD's?

My back gets straighter, my shoulders more erect and my legs super stiff so that I'm standing in a perfectly straight line from head to toe.

I'm just sayin. Anyone? Let me know if OHS affects you like this too.

Adios gang,


Wednesday, January 4, 2012

If the world ends in 2012 I'm gonna be pissed

So you know that thing about 2012 right?

The Mayan calendar says there's supposed to be some sort of Galactic Alignment where all the planets line up with the Milky Way and crazy crap is supposed to happen. Stuff like Atlantis rises up out of the ocean, UFO's show up over major US cities and the women of the View turn into demons from the Ninth circle of Hell.

Anyway, I hope none of that happens because I finally  got some of that stuff  that comes in handy at RFM.

It's called "motivation."

Last time I felt this way I had a big Vegas trip coming up. This time it's just because I know I can. I did this the first time I did  the Whole 30 and was on a strict Paleo diet. Then Vegas came up and I went Paleo again and added extra cardio with Kehau and Bump.

Now the holidays are over and so are some of my bills. (Thank God) We've got the Warrior Dash coming up and some sort of fitness contest at Lahaina Crossfit. All this equals good fodder for getting serious.

It's kinda cool because I know exactly what I have to do to get results. I'm not even worried about it. It's going to happen, no doubt. Plus I'm bragging about it on my blog so now I have to be accountable.

Seriously though, I don't know how to explain it, I just know. It's time.

And this has nothing to do with the New Year. I don't believe in the whole resolution thing anyway. Why wait? What does the 1st of the year have to do with anything? Besides, RFM was closed on New Year's day anyway.

Which is why I headed in today. Me and the rest of the crew kicked off 2012 with three rounds of a furious WOD. One of those 30 seconds of work, 15 seconds of rest things.

We started out with KB swings, then push-ups, then sit-ups then double-unders. After three rounds it was rough.

The worst part was, I forgot to count.

Actually I counted my first round but forgot that I should have just added it all together. I know the first round I did 23 KB swings, 29 push-ups, 19 sit-ups and 24 double-unders, but I should have just kept counting as I went along and I would have ended up with 95.

But since I didn't do that at the end of  the first round I had 15 seconds to add all that up and was like, "Damn it" and just kept going.

I guesstimated that after the first round of 95 I dropped down to 75 and then 65 respectively for the second and third rounds, for a total of 235.

Hey, I'm trying to be honest here and give it my best guess. I know I did at least 20 double unders each round so that's 60 right there, sit-ups were between 13 and 15, KB swings were . . . between 17 and 20 . . . anyway you get the point, it was confusing.

But at least my guesstimate was close and I went lower than I thought I did. At first I said 191 then realized I didn't count the double-unders.

Yeah yeah, mental lapse. But I didn't eat any crappy food today. I drank lots of water and ate a turkey wrap from Mana Foods for dinner.

I'm even cutting down on my drinking and scheduling what nights I'll be going out. Fourth Friday in Paia on the 27th and a big Superbowl Party on Feb. 5th. After that I'm going to be cool until March when we do the Warrior Dash on Oahu.

So hopefully the Mayan's were wrong, I've got too much to do in 2012.

