Why you ask? Because you have to bend your wrists in an unnatural position.
Well, unnatural for me anyway. My wrists just don't go that far back. By the second set I was ready to toss the bar and weights through the wall. If I could have channeled my rage into strength today I would have been more powerful than the Hulk. Or Vernon Patao.
Worst. Workout. Ever.
Bumper had a theory too. Because I sit and type all day my wrists are trained to bend in the other way (although technically that's not true, it's more like a neutral position). Anyway when I bend the other way it feels like the bones will pop out of my wrists.
So so so so so so angry.
The workout was kind of easy too, if there's such a thing as an easy workout at Raw Fitness Maui. But six minutes of 8 front squats and 8 chest to the bar pullups shouldn't have been that bad. But it was.
Sigh. Please tell me we aren't doing anything on Friday that involves backwards wrist bending. Please.