Saturday, March 3, 2012

Today was so weird and wonderful I don't even know what to title this blog

Okay, so. This all started off with me being late to the gym today.

Had a late meeting and was pissed. I was hoping to workout at 5 then hit First Friday, then see a friend of mine play music in Kihei.

I got out in time to catch the 6 p.m. class. I get there and I see the group already doing their warm up 400 meter run. Sigh.

I've been missing so many workouts lately that making Friday's workout had a sort of sense of urgency for me. And today was supposed to be thrusters and running, not my most favorite movements.

Notice I said supposed to. Yup.

Anyway so I walk into the gym and the whole RFM crew is there. I just figured everybody was still hanging out from the 5 p.m.

I get changed and come out of the restroom and somebody asks me, "Hey, you snatching today?"

Snatching? Then I remembered. We were supposed to do snatches for the Crossfit Games this week.

I was stoked. Snatches instead of thrusters? No contest.

I like snatches. The weight's on the ground and you lift it above your head. No bending your wrist backwards, no squatting, no funky movements. You just lift the weight.

This particular snatch workout called for 30 reps of 75 pounds, then 30 reps of 135, 30 reps of 165 and then as many reps as possible of 210.

I knew for sure I wasn't getting to 210, but I was thinking it was possible to get to 165 and crank out one rep at least.

What I didn't know was that this workout was freaking people out for some reason. I was late so I guess I didn't see people struggling with some of the heavier snatch weights. I was totally oblivious.

Anyway since I missed the warm-up I figured I better stretch and maybe practice a snatch or two so I walk over to the 135 someone set up and get in position. Bump says to me, "Hey, did you even warm-up?" and being a smart ass I told him, "Yeah I went out last night." Then he says "don't blame me when your shoulder hurts tonight."

I thought he was joking. I was like whatever and I snatched the weight.

The reaction in the gym was like I had just turned water into wine.


"Did you see that?"

"Holy sh..."

I was totally confused. I  thought I was missing some sort of joke. Then I realized everyone was serious.

A little bit later Frank slaps on 155 to get a good feel for what it might be like if he gets a chance to hit 165. I figured I should try it too. When I walked over to it Frank said later that he thought I was joking.

So yeah, I snatched that too. It was a little harder than the 135 but I got it up with almost the same effort.

Again, the reaction was like I had performed some sort of minor miracle. Then Frank said something that really really really humbled me. He said he had a lot of respect for me for lifting that weight.

That's huge, I consider Frank one of the best athletes that I've ever known in my life. A rare blend of speed, strength and stamina combined in a guy that doesn't say much because he's too busy trying to run faster, lift heavier and push himself harder than anyone else.

That's when I started getting really nervous for the workout.

I felt like now that people saw me lift those weights that the pressure was on. I started thinking about my back and whether it would allow me to finish and whether I had the stamina to endure 60 reps.

Because as you know, I freaking hate cardio.

I had a LOT of nervous energy. I started feeling jittery and began breathing kind of quickly.

Then I found out that I wasn't going to be in the first round. Great, now I have to spend 10 minutes feeling like I want to throw up.

Derek needed a counter and so I paired up with him. He tells me he's hoping to just get 5 reps of the 135.

That's when I knew I was going to scream really loud for him. Not just to help him but to help myself get rid of some nervousness.

So the first round starts and Derek breezes through the first round of 75. Then he puts on the 135 and gets his first snatch. Then his second. Then his third. I'm screaming at him. I'm jumping up and down. I'm shaking my fist and telling him to do more.

He hits 5 and he keeps going. At some point I notice that he's actually having an easier time lifting because he technique was improving and I yell at him, "YOU'RE GETTING BETTER AT THIS!!!" or something like that.

What was funny was he looked up like a little kid and smiled and said, "I am, huh!"

That was the turning point because he believed he could do more. Confidence is a game changer and he just got some right there and then. He ended up getting 17 reps total and we were both hugging each other. It was friggen awesome.

Meanwhile I saw Frank got all 60 reps. I found myself thinking that I had to do at least as many as he did.

Then I caught myself and thought, "Holy crap did I just think that? I have to do as many reps as Frank. That thought has never even occurred to me before because it has never been possible."

Oh man, I felt better yelling for Derek but then the nervousness started kicking up again.

Anyway, we start the second round.

The 75's were easy but by the end of it I was a little winded and my legs were shaking. I couldn't figure out if it was because I was tired or still nervous. Probably both.

Somehow I got the 135 on and took my first rep. Whew. A little harder than the practice reps I took because I was winded from the first round.

All of a sudden I felt my dreams of hitting 165 slip away.

Thank God for Derek, he kept me on track. I don't know when I finished the 30 but I had less than a minute to get the 165 on and take at least one rep.

But I swear to God, at that point putting on weights with my back fried like that was probably harder than actually doing the snatches. I was moving like an 80 year old man with scoliosis. Derek was yelling at me to forget about the clips and I was putting on the last weight when time ran out.

Damn it. I don't know if I would have gotten it but it would have been nice to try.

Later on Erin was showing me her iPhone video of my snatches. I have no technique whatsoever. No wonder Bump said it was super ugly.

But for the first time we had the same WOD score, 60 reps. It's pretty cool to say I got the same score as Bump and Frank. Not sure when that's going to ever happen again but I'm happy it happened at least once.

And thanks to Derek for the pic. See you all next time guys. Maybe tomorrow.

Because I still want to try that 165.

