Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Video don't lie

Finally made it back to Crossfit today, work on Monday kept me from the 5 p.m. workout.

Today we did snatch balances for 30 minutes. You know, pull the bar off the ground, flip it above your head and squat down under it. It's tough enough without any weight, just because it's easy to lose balance and either lean too far forward or back.

Today however we had a secret weapon. Ikaika's iPhone video camera. At first I was like, no way dude, get that away from me.

But I gotta admit, nothing like really scrutinizing your technique than watching video right after you do it. And slowing it down so Bump can catch every movement.

It was a real useful tool. First I was pulling the weight too early, then I wasn't pulling the weight close enough to my body. Small things but they matter when you're trying to do it right.

Afterwards we had a gasser of a WOD. Eight rounds of 20 seconds of kettlebell swings, 10 seconds of rest then 20 seconds of mountain climbers.

Wow man, that was just straight up cardio. But the good thing is my back isn't freaking out anymore when it comes to kettleball swings. At least not yet. My left arm feels a little tweaked though from the snatches. I'm still doing something wrong obviously.

Also, the diet. Man, I've gone so far off the path that it sucks. For lunch I had bread and butter, then I had some pancit for dinner and that was just today. It's been bad since I got back from Vegas and it needs to stop. Like now. I weighed myself today and I was still at 188, but if I keep this up I'll be back to 200 in no time. I've got to stop. Now.

Alright. Deep breath. Do it.

Okay, let's see if that works.

Later gang,


Saturday, August 27, 2011

I live. Barely.

As many of you know I am back from Vegas. I will not go into details except to say I did not come out ahead financially. I did lose/have my wallet stolen but that might have been a good thing as I was forced to not spend anymore money.

But this isn't a blog about Vegas. This is about how I Hate Cardio. And there's nothing like coming back from a week of not Crossfitting and hating cardio all over again.

Friday was my first workout since I've been back and it wasn't THAT bad. Some deadlifts and good mornings then the WOD. I lucked out coming back on deload week. Because of my back I don't go all out on deadlifts anymore, so I know I'm not doing as much as I could. But you gotta listen to your body. At least when I'm not in Vegas I listen to my body.

Sorry, had a small flashback. The trip was sort of like a combination of Fear and Loathing and the Hangover. Without illegal drugs of course. There was a lot of confused wandering though.

Anyway, the workout. Deadlifts. Kat's is going to hit 400 soon and I would like to also, but I'm afraid of my back. Just as I'm afraid of doing more than 225 on bench because of my torn pec. I'm taking it slooooowwwww.

Then came the WOD. Six power cleans with no squat. I laugh at that. But then they added 40 double unders. For four rounds. Are you frickin serious.

By the way, I can DO double unders now. Like ten in a row. After that I get tired and start doing five and six. And then three and four then one and two. But I can do 'em.

It's frickin tiring though. Oh damn. Now I know why everybody complains about their shoulders. Had no idea the shoulder muscles involved in spinning that rope around twice on one jump.

Suffice to say, that was sorta brutal. After the second round I got confused and didn't know what round I was on, so I followed Kats. I knew we were working out at about the same speed because I ripped through my power cleans but was not as fast as he was on DU's so after I was done with what could have been my third or fourth round I watched him. If he grabbed the barbell again we both had just finished our third and still had our fourth left. If he sat down I was done too.

Bastard walked over to do more power cleans. Damn it.

I ripped through that last round and ended with a time of 11:27. I think. My back isn't happy.

But my liver is happy to be home. And so is my lingering bank account. Next time I get excited to go to Vegas someone please talk me out of it.

I will say this though, because I was on mostly a "liquid diet" in Vegas I lost even more weight. (Which I put back by eating crap when I got home this past week, whatever.) I tried to take a picture but didn't do a real good job, forgot to turn off the flash on my Blackberry. I know I'm going to get stupid comments about this but whatever. I don't usually put pictures of myself on this blog but you gotta show the progress at some point right? 

Okay gang, peepshow is over.



Thursday, August 18, 2011

RFM Travel Benefits

There's no RFM mileage plan if that's what you're wondering.

No, I mean like I've been trained to endure the hardships of traveling. Like if you're traveling with a young child and carrying all the luggage. Or you have to run to try and make a connecting flight. Or both in my case.

First off the gate on Maui was the last gate farthest away. I carried both duffel bags and my son's overpacked backpack (he's 5-years-old) for what was a 1600 meter sprint as we tried to make the gate.

Then in Portland we had to catch a connecting flight and it was the same drill, except it was across the airport to catch the connecting flight to Seattle. About a football field away.

Then when we got off the plane in Seattle we had to go up a bunch of stairs. And I'm telling you, without RFM training I would have collapsed.

But you know, all that pain does a body good. As I treked through the airport carrying all that stuff I was thinking things like:

"Wow, those suitcase carry workouts are coming in pretty handy right now."


"This is kinda like doing deadlifts and running 400 meters except I don't have any chalk."

and of course

"This is much easier than thrusters. I effin hate thrusters."

So rejoice my RFM bretheren and sisteren, one day you will be put to the test and your RFM training will all make sense. Hell, I even picked up my son and ran carrying him and all our stuff at one point.

Didn't even hurt. Hell I was looking around for more stuff to carry. "I wonder if I can carry that woman's kids too? Hmmm . . ."

(Not wanting to trigger and amber alert I decided not to do that by the way.)

By the way, I'm still stuck in Seattle. Long story but I wasn't able to get on the earlier flight from Seattle to Vegas and had to stick with my 4:30 pm departure time. Ah well.

Adios kids,


Monday, August 15, 2011

She's identified herself

Bump you were right, it was Estelle. Here's the email she sent me today:

Hi, Rod!

It's me, the lady in the parking lot.  I was surprised that you mentioned our conversation in your blog especially since I didn't think you could hear what I was saying over the UPS truck...haha.  I started going to RFM last January but got two injuries (clumsy) and had to start training in May so I stopped going.  I still visit the site because I met some wonderful people and enjoyed my experience that I wanted to keep in touch somehow.

Your "I Hate Cardio" title intrigued me that I had to check out what you had to say.  I swim and do marathons so I, on the other hand, LOVE CARDIO.  It's the weights and strength that I hate.  You write extremely well and I can relate to your experiences.  And I crack up a lot!

So say "hi" to the old timers for me.  And thanks for the mention in your blog...that made my day!  =)


Don't be a stranger Estelle, come and visit us sometime!


Friday, August 12, 2011

Sometimes you just never know

So today I was not feeling good about the workout. Not at all.

I was tired and kept yawning. The warm-up Kehau put us through didn't seem like it was going to end and my deadlifts were lacking. I went up to 295 and cranked out four reps.

Meanwhile this guy, a visiting Crossfitter from Portland, Oregon cranked out 12 reps of 315 plus. I wasn't surprised, usually anybody who visits the gym is in good shape. Let's face it, if you're so dedicated to working out that you're determined to workout DURING your vacation then you're probably no slacker.

Then came the WOD, which, although it included my favorite handstand pushups, was not rocking my boat. We had to do 10 HSPU's, 20 kettlebell swings and run the 400 meter.

I was thinking I could crank out the HSPU's, try to make it through the KB swings and then hope my back didn't stiffen up during the run. I wasn't even thinking about trying to beat this guy.


And then, a funny thing happened.

I cranked out the HSPU's as I expected but then when it came time for the kettlebell swings I HAD NO PAIN. None. Zilch. Zero.

I was trying to use a lot of hip like we're supposed to but I always try to do that anyway. But this time I think I might have gotten something right because it was easy. I even had to look at the weight of the kettlebell because I thought I must have grabbed the lighter one by accident.

Nope. There it was, the heaviest one kettlebell we had, swinging up and down in front of me.

I cranked out 20 and started running. Still I'm thinking there's no way I'm going to stay in the lead. Sure enough I'm jogging and Patty and the Portland guy comes up behind me. They caught up to me on the way back and to my surprise didn't pass me.

So the three of us roll into the gym together and I'm STILL thinking that this is too good to last. Portland and I start get in the handstand position and start going. I jump off first again and start the KB swings and again I finish first.

My run was the same, trying to conserve energy but still trying to keep a decent pace. Portland and Patty caught up again and we ran in together once more.

This time though, I was thinking I might have a chance.

So again I rip through the HSPU's and KB swings and this time I start running a tad bit faster. I got to the halfway mark and see Portland coming the opposite way. As soon as I pass him I kick it up another gear. Not the afterburners, but just a tad more speed.

I didn't hear anybody's footsteps behind me as I rounded the corner and entered the gym. The clock said 10:19.

And get this. I wasn't even winded. Sorta sweating a little but there was no lying down on the ground and dying like I usually do after the WOD.

Yeah, no joke. I still don't know what happened.

Maybe it was just the right WOD or maybe the extra cardio workouts I've been doing have had an effect. Maybe I finally started doing kettlebell swings the right way or maybe because I've trimmed down there's less strain on my back.

Maybe it was all of the above.  All I know is, that was pretty sweet. A frickin pain free workout. Afterwards I wondered if this is how Derek and Bumper and Fank and all those elite guys at the gym feel all the time.

By the way, I asked for the Portland couple's name and took their picture with my cell phone because I was totally going to brag on my blog. But now that I'm writing I don't feel like bragging anymore.

Except to say, HA!!!! BEAT 10:19 DEREK!!!!


Thursday, August 11, 2011

Cashew clusters, Ab Ripper X and Zombiefication

So, I think Bumper is a closet sci-fi geek. Either that or he just likes zombie movies.

I mean, who doesn't. But while I love zombie movies I think Bumper only became a fan after watching Zombieland, which stresses "cardio, cardio, cardio" as a way to survive the zombie apocalypse. 

Whenever I whine (which is often) about something or ask if I'd be better off doing a non-cardio based type of excercise he points out that I need to do this or that because I'll be better prepared for the zombie infestation. This is true. 

But lately while trying to lose weight I have to admit, I'm feeling more like the zombie than the guy trying to get away from the zombie. Mac salad is my brains of choice and I am craving that crap like no tomorrow.

Instead I'm eating cashew clusters from Costco, which on the package advertises that it also includes "almonds and pumpkin seeds." Kinda filling and they have a sorta sweet taste. They're not terrible, like those effin rice cakes. Seriously, who made those? They suck.

In any case it's been kinda hard to workout more and eat less but I'm trying. Yesterday I did the heavy ropes AFTER the regular WOD and then came home and ate . . . salad and peeled the skin off of some chicken. 

You know I didn't even eat any ice cream or birthday cake on my birthday? I'm not even sure I miss it but it's just the fact that I can't have it. Kinda like how in the 8th grade you ask the girl that you're not attracted to, to dance with you because you're bored and all your other friends are dancing and she says NO. You're not really heartbroken, just annoyed. That's how my stomach feels right now.

And today is rest day but I did the P90X Ab Ripper X workout. It hurt less than when I did it on Monday. Better than just lying in bed, which is what I wanted to do when I got home from work. But now all these nuts make me feel like having . . . a beer. 

It's not just the nuts, it's my job too, which is like eating nuts because it makes me nuts. I love my job but sometimes I feel like I'm 911 dispatch and everybody is calling all the time.

But I digress. It's good to be paid. And it is good to not eat stupid stuff. Mac salad is stupid. Kale salad is not.  Then again, what if I mixed the two and then . . . 

Enough. Mayo is not my friend.

By the way, I'll be starting my interviews soon. Just know that if I call or email you HAVE to answer my questions. I work for the mayor, damn it. Plus Bump is my classmate and you WILL do burpeees if you refuse.

As they say, "resistance is futile."

Oh and one more thing. And this is pretty cool, can't believe I almost forgot.

Somebody stopped me in the parking lot at work and asked me if I was Rod (no wait, it's not what you think) and then said, "I hate cardio, right?"

I looked at her and for a second almost forgot to say, "Yeah." I couldn't believe it, I was sorta shocked and surprised and . . . pleased. Somebody who I did not recognize from my RFM classes reads my blog.

This kind of giddy happiness from being recognized may seem idiodic to most of you if you're thinking "Wait, weren't you on tv?"

Yeah yeah yeah, I know. But this is different. I started this blog and now people are reading it (besides my friends from RFM) It's cool. I was stoked. This lady made my day.

I have to admit, I was a teeny weenie bit disappointed after she explained that she wasn't TOTALLY unrelated to RFM. Apparently she used to be an RFM member and still checks the RFM blog and that's how she came across the link to I Hate Cardio.

That's okay. It was still cool.

So my dear, if you are reading, please post something and identify yourself because I forgot your name and all the old timers at RFM will be asking me for your identity.

And on that good note, it might be time to get that beer.



Monday, August 8, 2011

I feel dirty

Today I skipped the RFM workout for several reasons, (1) I forgot my shoes again, (2) it looked like a lot of squatting which I really didn't want to do and (3) I wanted to try something different.

What? Something other than Crossfit? Do tell.

Well it all started when I saw a friend's pic on Facebook and saw this guy that I went to high school with that's actually older than me. He will remain anonymous but here's the gist of it: dude had abs. Hell, he had abs on his abs.

When I asked what the hell he did for a workout I was told P90X. Damn it.

So what did I do when I came home? I popped in the Ab Ripper P90X dvd that I had stored away.

Working out and listening to the fast talking haole guy while I was sweating in my room, it just felt wrong. Yes my abs hurt and yes I may try to incorporate this into my regular workout (maybe on Thursdays) but it's juts not the same. I felt like I was having dirty sex in a cheap hotel room with my mistress. Except not in a good way.

Hmmm . . . that didn't come out right.

Anyway, after the workout (which was only 20 minutes) I tried to also do the push-up workout too but you know what? Without my coaches there to push me I only lasted five minutes on that DVD. 

So much for that little experiment. Back to the gym tomorrow.

Also, you may have noticed that I have not been writing at all on my blog. Well, it's hard. For a little while it felt like the I Hate Cardio experiment had also run its course. 

No, not really. Actually I just wanted something interesting to write about. My workouts just weren't doing it for me.

Then it hit me. My most favorite blogs were about my fellow gym members. I should do what I do best and interview all of them and post them here.

And no, I don't care if you don't want me to write about you. You signed a waiver when you signed up for RFM, it's part of the gym by-laws. Seriously, go look at it. Bumper said what? He just forgot about that clause probably.

So here's how we'll start, everybody SEND ME YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS to and we shall go from there.

Don't worry, I'll be gentle. I'll have you know that I've interviewed mayors, governors, congressmen,  senators, Bill Clinton, Michael Jackson and the entire cast of 90210 so you guys are in good hands. 

Just don't confess to any crimes and we'll be fine. Otherwise I have to call Oran and then you'll have to do a whole different kind of interview that won't be nearly as much fun.

You ready? Let's get started. 
