Saturday, June 18, 2011

A Fight Gone Bad, the coach asks me for help and why I don't comment on Kehau's blog

Today was a Saturday and while I don't usually don't do the Saturday workout today was a Fight Gone Bad.

FGB: the aftermath
Aptly named by BJ Penn it's a nonstop, five station workout. For three heats you pound through a minute each of wall balls, power cleans, push presses, double unders and box jumps with a minute rest in between.

I did this workout once in the beginning last year, when Lahaina Crossfit was visiting and participated in our workout too. My total rep count was 166, a low number but while everyone was cranking out 20, 30, 40 or more double unders for each set I cranked out five or six.

I'm working on it damn it. In fact 5 or 6 double unders is a new highlight for me. Yay.

Anyway, after the workout, Bumper comes up to me and says, "Rod,  the girls are saying we're 0 and 3 for boys night out." Then gives me the look that says, "What are YOU going to do about this?"

What? Really? Do we really want to go there Bump? You're going to make me in charge of this? The newly divorced guy with 12 years of prior debauchery and hedonism under his belt from his days of living on Oahu?

Anyway I gave him the same look he gives me when I try to jump from 135 to 225 on push-press.  It's the look that says, "are you sure about this?"

Okay okay okay, I'm kidding. Mostly. I'm 38 now and I like to drink during the day and sleep at night. I have a few ideas:

- On July 4th we used to do this thing called the "Floatilla" where we anchor boats off of Waikiki and drank and surfed all day. Maybe we can recreate the event on Maui. Anyone got a boat?
- We paddleboard in Kihei during the day then go out that same night in the area one Saturday. As I am from Paia I would want to stay in Kihei and not drive. I might be able to get a comp room at the Maui Coast for all of us. Two beds and a fold out couch should be enough.
- Twilight golf at the Dunes and everyone brings their own liquor to the course. Some sort of drinking game ensues. First one who drives their golf cart into the water loses.
- Can we say Vegas? No? Oahu maybe? Hana? I once set up an excursion where we rented a van and drove to Seven Sacred Pools and camped there, all the while jumping off of every waterfall from Haiku to Hana ending with a jump off of "the bridge" near the Pools. Those were the days of my youth and my body aches at the thought of doing that again but I am willing if we have enough recruits.

Anyway I'm sure we can think of something. Vegas, what? I must be hearing things, sorry.

And finally tonight, I'm responding to a critique from Kehau about not commenting on her blog posts, which are smartly written and entertaining.

However, I must be able to relate to the subject matter. For example, crockpot cooking.

Really? And the following discussion about making your own beef stock. Again, really?

I'm beginning to sense that Kehau's blog is geared more towards the female Crossfitter/foodie/skanker. This blog is geared more towards us less talented types, who aren't good at everything that they do.

And with that, I say aloha and let's do that boy's night out real soon.

