It's been a while, a couple weeks actually, since I wrote anything in this blog.
I gotta be honest here folks, I've not been feeling it.
The I Hate Cardio blog was supposed to keep me honest, force me to stick to Crossfit if my workouts were on display for the world to see.
But ya know, I'm addicted. I'm going to keep going to Raw Fitness Maui until I get tired of it or suffer a major injury. The way things are going the second will happen long before the first.
So, I don't need this blog for that reason anymore. What then?
The only other reason is . . . I like people reading it.
For real. I'm a Leo, feeding my ego is a way of life. I need attention, which is why marriage didn't suit me I think.I hate to be ignored.
Now, lest you think I'm blaming you, the reader (or the non-reader if you want to get technical), I'm not. I blame myself.
It's not you, it's me.
Really. I've been so damn boring lately, who the hell would want to read this crap. My blog sounds like this:
"Oh today sucked because I was weak. Or slow. Or because I had the wrong sort of shoes on. Blah blah blah blah blah."
I sound like a whining asshole. I don't even want to listen to me! Forget it.
No, if I'm going to keep writing this blog it's going to change. We all have to evolve. "Get stronger or get weaker." Applies to the Box and applies to the Blog.
So, to exercise some marketing techniques here, what makes a blog fun to read?
Personally I find that if I (1) write about my friends at RFM (2) make fun of myself or them and (3) say something interesting or exciting then usually I get an uptick in readership.
So therefore, I will employ all three. Not tonight though, because I'm not in the mood.
Gonna hit the box tomorrow though. Hopefully I find some inspiration.
Later . . . I think,
I gotta be honest here folks, I've not been feeling it.
The I Hate Cardio blog was supposed to keep me honest, force me to stick to Crossfit if my workouts were on display for the world to see.
But ya know, I'm addicted. I'm going to keep going to Raw Fitness Maui until I get tired of it or suffer a major injury. The way things are going the second will happen long before the first.
So, I don't need this blog for that reason anymore. What then?
The only other reason is . . . I like people reading it.
For real. I'm a Leo, feeding my ego is a way of life. I need attention, which is why marriage didn't suit me I think.I hate to be ignored.
Now, lest you think I'm blaming you, the reader (or the non-reader if you want to get technical), I'm not. I blame myself.
It's not you, it's me.
Really. I've been so damn boring lately, who the hell would want to read this crap. My blog sounds like this:
"Oh today sucked because I was weak. Or slow. Or because I had the wrong sort of shoes on. Blah blah blah blah blah."
I sound like a whining asshole. I don't even want to listen to me! Forget it.
No, if I'm going to keep writing this blog it's going to change. We all have to evolve. "Get stronger or get weaker." Applies to the Box and applies to the Blog.
So, to exercise some marketing techniques here, what makes a blog fun to read?
Personally I find that if I (1) write about my friends at RFM (2) make fun of myself or them and (3) say something interesting or exciting then usually I get an uptick in readership.
So therefore, I will employ all three. Not tonight though, because I'm not in the mood.
Gonna hit the box tomorrow though. Hopefully I find some inspiration.
Later . . . I think,