Yup, it's that time of year again. Time for my back to tighten up like the screws in Frankenstein's head so that I can walk like him too.
See this pic? Looks like I'm flexing my arms huh? Nope. In this picture I'm holding my ass off the ground because sitting down after the WOD strains my back like you wouldn't believe.
Some of you may ask, why not just lie down instead? Well I did that too. At this point I'm experimenting to see which position hurts less. Thanks to Shauna for taking the picture by the way.
I knew I was in trouble yesterday. We had 21, 15 and 9 reps of power cleans and lateral jumps to do.
Power cleans were supposed to be at 50 percent of my one rep max, which as of the clean competition for me was 210 lbs. So 105 bls, no problem right? Easy peasy Japanesey.
Hell I even went 95 lbs just to play it safe. The WOD started and it was like almost doing the bar.
Almost. I think I hit the 13th rep and my back started getting so stiff it felt like a knife in my kidneys every time I bent over.
By the next set I wasn't bending over any more, just dropping the weights on the ground after I got them up.
Man, I was without back pain for a while and loving it. Feeling this familiar pain come back was . . . just bums me out I guess.
I thought that maybe I had progressed beyond the point that I was having back pain, but it's still there.
Not going to stop me though, I'm going to keep stretching and pushing it during the WOD's. Maybe one day I'll be rewarded with a pain free workout.
Or I could just stop doing deadlifts, power cleans and kettle bell swings.
See this pic? Looks like I'm flexing my arms huh? Nope. In this picture I'm holding my ass off the ground because sitting down after the WOD strains my back like you wouldn't believe.
Some of you may ask, why not just lie down instead? Well I did that too. At this point I'm experimenting to see which position hurts less. Thanks to Shauna for taking the picture by the way.
I knew I was in trouble yesterday. We had 21, 15 and 9 reps of power cleans and lateral jumps to do.
Power cleans were supposed to be at 50 percent of my one rep max, which as of the clean competition for me was 210 lbs. So 105 bls, no problem right? Easy peasy Japanesey.
Hell I even went 95 lbs just to play it safe. The WOD started and it was like almost doing the bar.
Almost. I think I hit the 13th rep and my back started getting so stiff it felt like a knife in my kidneys every time I bent over.
By the next set I wasn't bending over any more, just dropping the weights on the ground after I got them up.
Man, I was without back pain for a while and loving it. Feeling this familiar pain come back was . . . just bums me out I guess.
I thought that maybe I had progressed beyond the point that I was having back pain, but it's still there.
Not going to stop me though, I'm going to keep stretching and pushing it during the WOD's. Maybe one day I'll be rewarded with a pain free workout.
Or I could just stop doing deadlifts, power cleans and kettle bell swings.