Today was push press for strength again. This time we were looking for that 1 rep max.
The last one rep max I had was 205 and my technique sucked. This time I had a slightly better idea about what to do and how to do it.
But first I want to talk about a phrase Bump coined today. It's called, "man strength".
We were watching Bruce put up 215 earlier and it got stuck right above his head while his elbows were bent.
Usually when someone gets stuck right there it's all over. It's not supposed to be humanly possible. Especially with push press. You lose the momentum from the dip drive that you generate with your legs and it's all up to your shoulders.
Except Bruce has man mountain shoulders. That damn thing was stuck above his head for several seconds, enough time for anyone's muscles to get exhausted with 215 overhead.
Frickin Bruce pushed that thing up anyway. Just pure strength. Bump looks at me and says "that's man strength."
Now before I or Bump get any accusations of being sexist I have to clarify. Not every man has "man strength" and you don't have to be a man to have "man strength."
Bruce has man strength because he did the impossible, because that weight should not have gone up from that position but it did.
Case in point, when my turn rolled around I ended up with 215 as well. I got it up, barely. Afterwards I saw stars, little birdies and bright lights surrounding my head and my back felt like someone hit it with a sledgehammer.
That's not man strength, that's just all sorts of stupid. But I had slightly better form doing 215 than I did doing 205 months ago so I'm happy about that.
Then came the WOD. Ten handstand pushups, 15 pull-ups, 20 air squats. Those pull-ups killed me.
Figures I finally learn how to do double unders but I let my pull-ups slack. Lame.
Also, I received a few comments about my handstand technique where I kick my legs against the wall as fast and as hard as I can. This saves me a couple of seconds.
Kats said he thought I was going to smash through the wall. Sorry buddy, it's an advanced technique, I can teach it to you but it might take a few months to master it.
Seriously though, I think everybody should try it. Bet you do faster HSPU rounds next time.
And because I invented it they can name the technique after me. Like the Antone Kick Stand Start or something.
Come on, you know you want to try it.
Okay peeps, I'm out.