I didn't work out today because my car died. It's actually a friend's car who was kind enough to lend it to me more than a month ago until I get some steady work but for the most part it's mine now. (Kinda dinged it up a bit, oops).
But since I've got the time right now I figured talk about a few goals I have for myself in 2011. I'm talking about physical goals in the gym. I've got other personal goals but this isn't the place to discuss them if you know what I mean.
Anyway, here they are:
- be able to do 50 pullups without stopping or using the rubber bands
- be able to do at least 10 muscle ups in a row
- run the 400 in a minute or less
- be able to powerclean 225
- shoulder press 185
- be able to do 50 box jumps without stopping
- be able to do 50 wall balls without stopping
- bench 225 20 times
Too much? Am I not being realistic? I've got all year to reach these goals right? Okay maybe the powerclean seems kinda nuts but I've got the motion down and if you do it right you don't really feel the weight at all as it's going up.
Oh yeah and I want to continue with the Paleo Diet in some sort of adjusted form. Like be able to eat sugar on Saturdays and starch on Sundays or something like that. And not stuffing my face with doughnuts but more like having a bowl of ice cream on Saturday and some shrimp and pasta on Sunday. Little things in moderation. Also drinking alcohol again will be nice. Yes indeed.
I think we should all have goals, otherwise why else are we doing this? And I still gotta buy a boogie board and some churchhill fins. I can't live in Paia and not hit the water, it's embarassing.
What do you think? How about your goals? I want to see them too. Write them out here and maybe we'll try to reach them together.
Aloha gang,