Tuesday, August 14, 2012

It's Always Worse Than It Seems

So today's WOD was 12, 9 and 6 reps of thrusters with a 200 meter run in between each set.

Thrusters. My natural enemy. I've hated them since Bump had me do them for my introduction Crossfit workout many moons ago.

I've come a long way since then, somewhat. I pondered what weight to use in my mind. Ikaika said 115 would probably be as heavy as he went. He said he and Bump did some crazy WOD involving thrusters of 135 that hurt him for days afterwards.

Haha, good thing we weren't doing 135 right? Yeah.

Then during the warm-up I see Ikaika give me a troubled face and he pointed to the board. It took a while for me to see it but next to the thrusters was this symbol: (135/95).

That of course translates to "prescribed weight for men is 135 and 95 for women."

I read that and said, "ONE THIRTY-FIVE?" in a really high voice, because right then it felt like someone had kicked me in my nuts.

Ah crap. Seriously? I told Bob and he just flat out said no way. he said "I did 85 pounds last time. Maybe I can do 95 this time. Maybe."

Bob was keeping it real. Unfortunately keeping it real for me probably meant I had to do 135.

So yeah, me and Ikaika put on 135. Marcus came in for the 5 p.m. class right before we started and saw the 135 and he actually looked concerned. I'm not used to seeing that look on his face, usually he's the gung-ho, go all the way sorta guy in our gym.

(Probably the reason why he passes out first during every party too. Marcus parties like he does his WOD's, he doesn't hold anything back. Good for his cardio, bad for his internal organs. But I digress.)

I tried one out and surprisingly it wasn't too bad. Of course I know my body, after three of these things I was going to be in trouble. I had to strategize. Maybe three sets of four reps for the first round?

The countdown had already started so I had little time to come up with anything else. Three sets of four reps it is.

It was a good strategy because I wasn't completely wasted at the end of the first round but it meant I was the last one out of the gym to go do my 200 meter. The second round was worse but still manageable and the third round I managed to crank out six straight reps. I was in some pain but by then my thought was it would actually hurt worse to stop and pick that damn bar up again.

The running also sucked because my back tightened up, surprise, surprise.

But hey, we survived. And as much as I hate thrusters I always feel better after doing them. Mostly because I figure it'll be a while before I have to do them again.

Seriously though I feel pretty good.

But let's not do 135 pound thrusters again anytime soon. Thanks.

See ya tomorrow gang,
