It occurred to me as I was lying down on the floor of the RFM gym after yesterday's workout that I'm never as happy as I am when the workout is done and I'm lying down on the floor, drenched in my own sweat.
It's a wonderful feeling of euphoria as I stare at the ceiling and realized yesterday that, "Wow, I love this floor."
Especially after 8 rounds of back to back leg burners. Goblet squats and mountain climbers.
I don't know what it is. Maybe I just don't have the leg strength. Maybe my cardio sucks even worse than I think it does.
Or maybe I just don't have a tolerance for pain in my quads and hamstrings.
I don't know what it is but I only scored 130 reps on yesterday's workout. I got burned out so fast it wasn't funny.
I know Bump is all, "just go all out" and I do. Then I get tired and my legs don't work.
I tried, for real. Wish I had Bruce's will power. You know that part in Rocky IV when the Ivan Drago remarks how hard it is to knock Stallone out?
"He is not human, he is like a piece of iron."
That's the quote I think of when I see Bruce powering it out during the WOD. Braddah is nuts.
So, here's to becoming a piece of iron.
In other news . . . had fun lifting barbell turkish get-ups yesterday with Marcus. Damn kid wouldn't give up.
Thanks for pushing but till we hit 85 pounds. That sucked.
And thanks to Erin H. for my six pack of Primo! Aurite.
It's a wonderful feeling of euphoria as I stare at the ceiling and realized yesterday that, "Wow, I love this floor."
Especially after 8 rounds of back to back leg burners. Goblet squats and mountain climbers.
I don't know what it is. Maybe I just don't have the leg strength. Maybe my cardio sucks even worse than I think it does.
Or maybe I just don't have a tolerance for pain in my quads and hamstrings.
I don't know what it is but I only scored 130 reps on yesterday's workout. I got burned out so fast it wasn't funny.
I know Bump is all, "just go all out" and I do. Then I get tired and my legs don't work.
I tried, for real. Wish I had Bruce's will power. You know that part in Rocky IV when the Ivan Drago remarks how hard it is to knock Stallone out?
"He is not human, he is like a piece of iron."
That's the quote I think of when I see Bruce powering it out during the WOD. Braddah is nuts.
So, here's to becoming a piece of iron.
In other news . . . had fun lifting barbell turkish get-ups yesterday with Marcus. Damn kid wouldn't give up.
Thanks for pushing but till we hit 85 pounds. That sucked.
And thanks to Erin H. for my six pack of Primo! Aurite.