Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Sleeping as I write this

These past couple of workouts I haven't been blogging. Mostly because as soon as I get home I crash out.

I know, every workout at RFM is hard. But I think the holidays have left me more out of shape than usual.

On Monday we squatted, and I even took it down a notch. I based all of my lifts off of 225 so that it was lighter for me. Made a world of difference. For the first time I actually felt good squatting. That and I went barefoot. It all helped.

Then afterwards we did 3 power cleans, 6 push ups and 9 squats, AMRAP for three minutes then rest for one minute. Repeat for three rounds. My back was pretty stiff afterwards.

Today a lot of us were still stiff. But we had to get unstiff quickly as we were running 10 rounds of 40 meter dashes today.

I was lined up with Kats but he pulled something on our second run. After that I ran with Patty and the new guy Dave. I couldn't keep up with Dave and I barely pulled out in front of Patty. That girl is fast AND strong. I dub her Tehau Jr. or Mofotaru. I think I like Mofotaru.

After that I knew I was in trouble. Five rounds of 12 pull ups and 12 burpees. Oh Lord.

Bump was talking about scaling and I was listening. Either cut down on the reps or cut down on the rounds. I went  for rounds.

I did okay on the pull ups but those burpees, I had nothing left. My legs were lead once again. I was amazed that even on the 5th round Tito was still jumping pretty high. The rest of us were trying to jump over credit cards.

I was able to pay attention to Tito because I stopped at the fourth round. No legs. Legs were shot.

Now I regret it. I have Crossfit remorse, another phrase to go along with Crossfit amnesia.

Right now though my body doesn't feel like I held back on that last round. It feels like it took a beating.

Whoopie, can't wait for Wednesday. Bring it on Beelzebump, bring it on.
