I don't usually get serious on this thing but I have to point something out here.
You get from Crossfit what you put into it. There are no prizes, no trophies for lifting the most weight or having the most reps, just personal satisfaction that you pushed yourself and will feel great tomorrow (after you feel exhausted today).
That said, why would you want to cheat yourself and not be honest about your reps?
Come on, does it really mean that much to have the fastest time next to your name if you secretly doing 12 reps instead of the 20 that everyone else was doing?
Derek is a good example of a guy that sticks to the workout no matter what. Foolishly he picked the 40 pound dumbells even though he had to do overhead lunges and has a gimp shoulder. He ended up finishing last but he stuck to it because he wants to improve his shoulder strength.
He's got goals and he's attacking his weaknesses. I know he cares about his WOD score but that's secondary to improving himself first.
Once in a while I'll sandbag and choose a lower weight (especially for thrusters) but I won't skip out on reps. The only exception is when I'm so brain-fried in the later rounds that I'm like, "Wait, where am I and what round am I on?"
So, hey, don't just count those reps. Love those reps. They're like gold. Everytime you skip one it's like throwing away money.
Personally I love to hate them, but I still count every last one of the.
Anyway, thanks for letting me stand on my soap box, on to other news . . .
First off, Kehau, aka Tehau, aka the reason people searching for the term "Samoan woman" on Google end up at my blog, has recovered from her illness and returned to the gym.
Actually she's not quite recovered and I heard her coughing a bit yesterday. That might be why I ALMOST beat her during the WOD.
I know what you're thinking, you're thinking, "Hey Rod, are you actually trying to brag about ALMOST beating a still recovering girl who just got back to the gym and probably isn't 100 percent yet? Really?"
No, I'm not bragging. I'm just stating a fact. I was like 30 seconds behind her finishing time. Might have been 40 seconds.
But damn it I beat the other women. And the guy who just joined this week. Yeah.
Also I must really apologize to Patty. We sorta kinda fought over the red jump rope in the gym on Wednesday because it was one of those that doesn't get tangled up. She relented and took a crappy rope instead.
But when the WOD started I SUCKED. I should have just handed that rope back to Patty because I wasn't doing any good with it. I wasted the rope. She could have gotten double the reps she did if she had my jump rope and I probably would have gotten the same because it was just one of those days. Derek was right, some days you have double unders and some days you don't.
Actually I owe Patty two apologies. While doing planks I was farting like crazy and she was right behind me. I can't help it. Any sort of workout that involves strengthening your core muscles and I'm pushing out gas.
You'd think that I would feel more embarrassed by this but I've heard enough of YOU folks next to me to know that I'm not the only one with this problem. Thank God the fan was facing Patty's direction on Wednesday though.
Okay guys, I have to work today so I WON'T be doing the Saturday workout which looks like it sucks anyway. But I would have if I didn't have to work.
Later kids,
You get from Crossfit what you put into it. There are no prizes, no trophies for lifting the most weight or having the most reps, just personal satisfaction that you pushed yourself and will feel great tomorrow (after you feel exhausted today).
That said, why would you want to cheat yourself and not be honest about your reps?
Come on, does it really mean that much to have the fastest time next to your name if you secretly doing 12 reps instead of the 20 that everyone else was doing?
Derek is a good example of a guy that sticks to the workout no matter what. Foolishly he picked the 40 pound dumbells even though he had to do overhead lunges and has a gimp shoulder. He ended up finishing last but he stuck to it because he wants to improve his shoulder strength.
He's got goals and he's attacking his weaknesses. I know he cares about his WOD score but that's secondary to improving himself first.
Once in a while I'll sandbag and choose a lower weight (especially for thrusters) but I won't skip out on reps. The only exception is when I'm so brain-fried in the later rounds that I'm like, "Wait, where am I and what round am I on?"
So, hey, don't just count those reps. Love those reps. They're like gold. Everytime you skip one it's like throwing away money.
Personally I love to hate them, but I still count every last one of the.
Anyway, thanks for letting me stand on my soap box, on to other news . . .
First off, Kehau, aka Tehau, aka the reason people searching for the term "Samoan woman" on Google end up at my blog, has recovered from her illness and returned to the gym.
Actually she's not quite recovered and I heard her coughing a bit yesterday. That might be why I ALMOST beat her during the WOD.
I know what you're thinking, you're thinking, "Hey Rod, are you actually trying to brag about ALMOST beating a still recovering girl who just got back to the gym and probably isn't 100 percent yet? Really?"
No, I'm not bragging. I'm just stating a fact. I was like 30 seconds behind her finishing time. Might have been 40 seconds.
But damn it I beat the other women. And the guy who just joined this week. Yeah.
Also I must really apologize to Patty. We sorta kinda fought over the red jump rope in the gym on Wednesday because it was one of those that doesn't get tangled up. She relented and took a crappy rope instead.
But when the WOD started I SUCKED. I should have just handed that rope back to Patty because I wasn't doing any good with it. I wasted the rope. She could have gotten double the reps she did if she had my jump rope and I probably would have gotten the same because it was just one of those days. Derek was right, some days you have double unders and some days you don't.
Actually I owe Patty two apologies. While doing planks I was farting like crazy and she was right behind me. I can't help it. Any sort of workout that involves strengthening your core muscles and I'm pushing out gas.
You'd think that I would feel more embarrassed by this but I've heard enough of YOU folks next to me to know that I'm not the only one with this problem. Thank God the fan was facing Patty's direction on Wednesday though.
Okay guys, I have to work today so I WON'T be doing the Saturday workout which looks like it sucks anyway. But I would have if I didn't have to work.
Later kids,