So, we have coconut juice available at the gym for $3.
If you've never had it before, it's good stuff. Like natural gatorade without the stupid colors. It is refreshing, replenishes your electrolytes and tastes light and delicious.
I had a tab at the gym but have since paid it all off (thank God for payday). Today I didn't have any cash on hand but I grabbed a can anyway because I knew I'd come in on Monday with some cash.
BUT . . . what I didn't realize was that Mistah Police Osifah had written his name on certain cans. That's right, Oran was HOARDING all the coconut juice with pulp. So I grab one and drain it and of course tattletale Kehau (aka Tehau the strongest sole chick on Maui) say, "Eh, how come your can has Oran's name written on it, CHEEHOO!"
So then Oran looks at me and says "AH HA!!!", like he just found out where Jimmy Hoffa was buried. Ah c'mon, I put money in the jar like everyone else, why does HE get to keep the pulp cans? Unless he buys it for himself and just keeps it in the fridge, which would make sense why he would be mad that his cans were disappearing. But I didn't see his name seriously. I'll go to Mana Foods and grab him more pulp juice. In the meantime though . . .
Sheesh. Anyway, before that Kehau, Kats and I were deep in a discussion about Paleo weaknesses. We were all in agreement that we were good for the most part but had some foods which were our "Kryptonite". Mine are:
- anything with cream cheese. (Damn you whoever brought the Red Velvet cake to work and left it in the break room)
- mac salad. I have given up pasta, bread and rice but mixing mac salad and my lau lau is something you will have to pry from my hands.
- liquor. I dont drink that much beer anymore, but now I drink a lot of tequila because agave doesn't get stored like sugar does on your body. At least that's what the Paleo experts have told me. I could have been drunk at the time. Also after a couple of weeks of just drinking tequila I feel like moving to Mexico.
Otherwise I can eat protein and vegetables and tabasco and drink coconut juice for every freakin meal. Yessir.
Okay, all that out of the way? Good. Time to talk workouts.
Bumper is sort of like David Copperfield the magician when it comes to formulating his workouts. Just when you think the show is over, he's got another trick up his sleeve.
On Friday we did a bench/pullup combo for strength, then carried dumbells. We carried dumbells over our heads, we carried dumbells like we were carrying a suitcase, we carried dumbells over our heads and as if we were carrying suitcases. We walked out to the street carrying dumbells. It was painful.
But I did use the 50 lbs dumbell for all my workouts and didn't drop them once. Yeah bitches.
Then today we did Helen in pairs. It meant running 400 meters, doing 21 kettlebell swings, then 12 pullups, then your partner take off running while you rest until he's done with his round.
I blasted off on the first run. I've learned that even if I run slow during the first round my back gets tight no matter what so I might as well try to run for time while I'm fresh. I came back, blasted out the kettlebell swings and to my surprise, did 12 Kipping pullups with no problem.
Kats took off and I rested. It was kind of perfect because when he finished his final pullup I was refreshed and ready to go again. The second round wasn't bad at all but I finally started bogging on the pullups for the last round. Overall I was pretty happy with my results.
Been a good Saturday gang. Call me crazy but I might want a screwdriver at noon. My muslces deserve some R and R.