I've felt many emotions while working out at Raw Fitness Maui. Anxiousness, excitement, anxiety, frustration, eagerness and many others.
But today was a new one.
Today Bumper said we would keep jumping until we reached our maximum height. I thought maybe we'd keep jumping in the air and try to touch a certain spot on the wall or something. But no, that would be too easy.
Instead we jumped on the 24 inch box. Then we added more inches but throwing the 45 lbs rubber weight on it. Then another. Then another. Then another.
I think I got to 39 inches before finally saying enough. I don't know why I felt so scared trying to jump, it's not like you'd hurt yourself too badly if you couldn't. Just skin your knee maybe or bump your shins.
But it was weird, I was scared. And so was everybody else. The higher it got the worse we felt. Even Kristi got nervous and was too afraid to jump at one point. Made me feel better.
It was so bad that I forgot about the second part of the workout, 30 reps of "The Bear Complex". In a nutshell one rep = Power Clean + Front Squat + Push Press + Back Squat + Push Press.
Simple right? Wasn't bad actually, finished all 30 in 14:56. But I still hate bending my wrists backwards. That just kills me. I needs me some flexibility.
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