So I have to start today's blog off by apologizing to one of my fellow Crossfitters, Momi.
Last week Momi asked me why I looked so familiar and if I had ever been a newscaster. I played dumb.
Today she said she saw the news about me and how I was on tv and was like, why were you messing with me. I felt bad, but I really wasn't trying to screw with her.
See, everytime someone asks me if I was ever on TV I think if I say yes the next thing that crosses their mind is "Really? What the heck happened to you?"
I know, it's a problem. But over the years I've gotten a lot of weird comments like:
"Hey, didn't you used to be Rod Antone?" Um, I still am.
Or, "Do you have a younger brother named Rod Antone?" Why? Because I don't look like I'm 20 anymore?
Or they'll ask my younger brother Richard "Aren't you Rod Antone?" and I'm standing right next to him. Then my bro will say "Haha, no but he is" and everybody feels awkward. Thanks.
Or the best is I'll hand over my ID to the bouncer and he'll actually look at my friggen name and ask "Are you related to Rod Antone?" Bruddah, what, Roderic Antone and Rod Antone? Kinda the same name eh?
Anyway, you get the point. And so do I. I don't look like I did when I was on TV. Hell, that was like from 1996 to 2001, almost 10 years ago. Nobody looks like they did 10 years ago.
The trouble is people have an image of me frozen in time, from when I was 24 to 29. I know they don't mean to make me feel uncomfortable but that's what happens.
But the thing is I forget that I can make people uncomfortable too when I play dumb. So I'm really sorry Momi, I seriously did not mean for that to happen.
It's just that when I was younger I thought I would get older and look like Richard Gere did in Pretty Woman. You know, that greying hair but still looking sharp and distinguished. But I put on more than 20 pounds and my hair started thinning out. And everytime someone asks me about my TV days I wince, because it's a reminder that I aged more like K-Fed.
Thank God for Crossfit. And on that note . . .
Cindy was my woman today. For the uninformed Cindy is the name of a workout that has you do 5 pullups, 10 pushups and 15 squats for as many rounds as you can in 20 minutes. I did 12 rounds. Kristi said the Crossfit elite do 24 rounds. So since I did half of the elite workout it makes me a . . . what? Crossfit novice? Crossfit padawan? Whatever. Oh and again I didn't use the rubber bands for the pullups. In fact, I think I've finally gotten that Kipping technique down and it totally works. Fifty pullups here I come. Gonna hit that benchmark by March I guarentee.
And last night at midnight Josh and some friends celebrated the end of his Paleo by drinking. I'm so over alcohol. Unless the Swedish bikini team invites me into a hot tub and wants me to do shots I don't see the point. Or Jessica Alba. Or Megan Fox. Or Eva Mendes. Or Rosario Dawson. Or . . . anyway, you get the idea. It's a short list.
Aurite gang, thank God for the day off tomorrow. See you Friday.
This is probably my favorite post. HAHAHAHA HI.LA.RI.OUS. I am crying at my desk. Of laughter. Thank you, Rod. You made my day.
ReplyDeleteBut you have to admit, you're making awesome progress at RFM, right?!! It's worth the pain and money! I love it...
Speaking of money, next time you see Ron -- you know what to do!!!
ReplyDeleteAwesome progress that just took a nosedive. I need to go back on Paleo! Damn cookies and ice cream and leftover Thanksgiving apple pie. All my fat is back. Damn it!
ReplyDeleteI feel your pain Rod...literally. I am sore all over and i feel as fat as a cow after this past Thanksgiving. I think I am going back on Paleo soon.