I swear I'm posting new stuff but it's not showing up online. WTH?
Yeah well, let's keep trying anyway. Who knows, it might all come back all at once or something.
Sooo, my legs are hurtin today.
We did a nice mix of overhead squats and a 200 meter run on Wednesday and I was walking funny in the office the next day.
I did about 6 rounds in 10 minutes. Gary did 9 rounds. I was a little beeyotch.
Actually I was just glad my back didn't seize up again. It was during overheads last time that my back spazed out and I had to stop in the middle of the workout.
Didn't happen this time. Oran and Bumper were watching me like hawks and got rid of some weight when they thought I might be overdoing it.
Can I just say how awesome it is to have personal trainers involved in every workout. I used to be all, "Trainers? I don't need no stinking trainers." But man, there ain't nothing wrong with someone checking to make sure you don't hurt yourself.
I never would have even attempted to bench again if it wasn't for RFM. It still feels weird when I bench on my right side, like all my muscles are curled up in a ball on what's left of my chest. But at least I'm benching again. And I might even get back up to 225 lbs.
We've had a couple of great workouts this week by the way. Pullups and dumbbell snatches back to back along with kettlebells and situps back to back on Monday and Tuesday.
But the Paleo diet thing isn't happening. I've got coworkers making blueberry cream cheese pie damn it. Just yesterday someone brought in some pastries from Komoda's Bakery.
The 9th floor of the County building is an evil evil place for those trying to stay away from sugar and starch.
But I suspect things will be easier once I get paid (finally). I'm heading over to Whole Foods and buying a crapload of protein and veggies and making lunch for a month.
Effing Komoda Bakery. Are you kidding me? Damn it.
Yeah well, let's keep trying anyway. Who knows, it might all come back all at once or something.
Sooo, my legs are hurtin today.
We did a nice mix of overhead squats and a 200 meter run on Wednesday and I was walking funny in the office the next day.
I did about 6 rounds in 10 minutes. Gary did 9 rounds. I was a little beeyotch.
Actually I was just glad my back didn't seize up again. It was during overheads last time that my back spazed out and I had to stop in the middle of the workout.
Didn't happen this time. Oran and Bumper were watching me like hawks and got rid of some weight when they thought I might be overdoing it.
Can I just say how awesome it is to have personal trainers involved in every workout. I used to be all, "Trainers? I don't need no stinking trainers." But man, there ain't nothing wrong with someone checking to make sure you don't hurt yourself.
I never would have even attempted to bench again if it wasn't for RFM. It still feels weird when I bench on my right side, like all my muscles are curled up in a ball on what's left of my chest. But at least I'm benching again. And I might even get back up to 225 lbs.
We've had a couple of great workouts this week by the way. Pullups and dumbbell snatches back to back along with kettlebells and situps back to back on Monday and Tuesday.
But the Paleo diet thing isn't happening. I've got coworkers making blueberry cream cheese pie damn it. Just yesterday someone brought in some pastries from Komoda's Bakery.
The 9th floor of the County building is an evil evil place for those trying to stay away from sugar and starch.
But I suspect things will be easier once I get paid (finally). I'm heading over to Whole Foods and buying a crapload of protein and veggies and making lunch for a month.
Effing Komoda Bakery. Are you kidding me? Damn it.