First off, sorry for the delay. Work has been crazy and it's getting harder to keep this blog up. But I guess that just means I'll have to make this post a good one.
That said I just took a look at Google Analytics which helps track data for my website and surprisingly I've had hits from the countries of Iraq, Brazil, Saudi Arabia and Greece (as mentioned above). Don't know what they're doing here but "Hi!" Next time post a comment, I love visitors.
I've also had four visitors from Canada and 124 from the United States. We're making progress here.
So let's go over the last couple of days. Wednesday we did shoulder presses. Good stuff. It's about that time where I start putting some pounds on my overhead press. Maybe 145.
I remember once when I was lifting in my college days I saw a guy shoulder press 315 lbs. Yeah, that's right. 3-1-5. That's three 45 lbs plates (sorry to you foreigners who use the metric system) on each side.
I'm not saying that's my goal, but I'm thinking 175 lbs by the end of the year is possible.
Then we did 3 rounds of double-unders, 10 walking lunges and as many push ups as possible in 2 minutes and 30 seconds. We were judged by the total number of push ups we did. I did around 70 something. Pitiful. I should be cranking out at least a hundred of those bad boys by now. Gotta work on that too.
Then on Friday we deadlifted, and I hit a personal best of about 275 I believe. Only did six reps though and I really should be able to do more before I go any heavier.
But after the weights came a weird little workout, 3 power cleans, 6 ring dips and 9 toes to the nose lifts. The reps were low but that's because these were high degree of difficulty exercises (for me at least).
That and I hate power cleans.
HOWEVER . . . I might have to revise that statement.
I threw on 35 pound plates on each side of the bar bringing it to a total of 115 pounds to power clean. Usually I wouldn't do that but I figured three reps should be okay. I might go higher next time because they were actually kind of easy. Bumper was watching and said my form was good, or at least better than usual. Progress is good.
That and I actually managed to crank out some ring dips. Finally right? My time on the bar dips will be limited I'm sure. Kehau better watch out, I'll be taking that strongest woman title from her soon.
Speaking of Kehau, she's been ripping on me for being on my cell phone at the gym. Well girl, tell all your CO-WORKERS IN THE NEWSROOM TO STOP CALLING ME WHILE I'M AT CROSSFIT. Damn media.
Actually I'm waiting for the day that a Maui News reporter or Wendy Osher from Pacific Group Radio come and find me at Raw Fitness Maui. I'm going to allow them to quote me only if they do three rounds of 7 burpees and 7 thrusters first. Ha.
Alright gang, I've got a ton of work to do and Saturday errands to run and a Paleo diet to stick to so . . . I'll talk to you later.
And seriously, say hello on my comments page if you drop by. I used to think I wasn't getting many comments because I wasn't having many readers but now I know you're out there.
So say hi already!
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