So if you head on over to the RFM website you'll see that Bump posted a big "eff you" to the doctors that told him to slow down because he needed some minor surgery on his ankle. This is my favorite part:
"You see, every sprain, strain, and tweak to that ankle came about from doing something I enjoy. I was having fun. And I was staying fit. I like to run, jump, squat, clean and jerk, and snatch. I don't do well sitting still. And I’m not about to stop."
Right on man, good for you. I feel the same way about ... drinking. And gambling. And other things.
No but seriously I do likes me some Crossfit. Effed up back and all. Of course my back likes to switch around which RFM workouts it hates. Before it was front squats and power cleans, but now it's deadlifts and kettlebell swings. Go figure.
For instance, last week we were doing three rounds of running the 400, 12 deadlifts and 20 box jumps. Pain pain pain. I didn't even make it past the second round. I know we're supposed to be happy about living to fight another day but if you do it too often you're a freakin pansy. Or you feel like one at least.
Anyway, today was a bit better. We had to hold the L position on the rings for as long as we could and we had 5 tries to get our best time. I did :37 seconds on my second try. Wasn't too bad but everybody kept making fun of my "concentration face." Yeah yeah, go to hell. Did any of you do :37 seconds? And that was with my half of a pectoral trying to hold my right arm steady on the rings. That's right biyotches.
Then we had one of those "just freaking go as fast as you can" type of workouts. Ten rounds, count 'em ten of 5 burpees and 10 situps. Of course the abs are burning from holding those L sits but that was the point I guess.
So we started the timer and we were off. I was keeping an eye on Kehau and kept up with her for the first two rounds but then started wheezing during the third round. Damn. Sometimes the childhood asthma comes back at the weirdest times.
I kept going and lost count a couple of times but in the end I finished it before 10 minutes. I think I would have gotten a faster time had I not lost count because I think I did one round twice. I hate burpees but I can rip through those situps pretty fast. I've got abs under the flab, for real. You just can't see it because I'm a fat 200 pound man. Otherwise I'm in great shape.
Oh yeah, I should probably mention that Kehau is supposed to have a fitness blog of her own, but it's supposed to be a "soft opening." What the heck girl, you write for a LIVING. Just post the damn thing already, geez. I want to post comments already.
And on that note, (Like the segway? You've gotta have a way to transition.) I've had some people at the gym tell me they can't post comments on the blog anymore. Which sucks because reading comments after I write this damn thing is the best part about keeping a blog. Let me know if it's still a problem gang.
What I mean is tell me about it at the gym of course, since you can't leave a comment for me.
Until next time,
"You see, every sprain, strain, and tweak to that ankle came about from doing something I enjoy. I was having fun. And I was staying fit. I like to run, jump, squat, clean and jerk, and snatch. I don't do well sitting still. And I’m not about to stop."
Right on man, good for you. I feel the same way about ... drinking. And gambling. And other things.
No but seriously I do likes me some Crossfit. Effed up back and all. Of course my back likes to switch around which RFM workouts it hates. Before it was front squats and power cleans, but now it's deadlifts and kettlebell swings. Go figure.
For instance, last week we were doing three rounds of running the 400, 12 deadlifts and 20 box jumps. Pain pain pain. I didn't even make it past the second round. I know we're supposed to be happy about living to fight another day but if you do it too often you're a freakin pansy. Or you feel like one at least.
Anyway, today was a bit better. We had to hold the L position on the rings for as long as we could and we had 5 tries to get our best time. I did :37 seconds on my second try. Wasn't too bad but everybody kept making fun of my "concentration face." Yeah yeah, go to hell. Did any of you do :37 seconds? And that was with my half of a pectoral trying to hold my right arm steady on the rings. That's right biyotches.
Then we had one of those "just freaking go as fast as you can" type of workouts. Ten rounds, count 'em ten of 5 burpees and 10 situps. Of course the abs are burning from holding those L sits but that was the point I guess.
So we started the timer and we were off. I was keeping an eye on Kehau and kept up with her for the first two rounds but then started wheezing during the third round. Damn. Sometimes the childhood asthma comes back at the weirdest times.
I kept going and lost count a couple of times but in the end I finished it before 10 minutes. I think I would have gotten a faster time had I not lost count because I think I did one round twice. I hate burpees but I can rip through those situps pretty fast. I've got abs under the flab, for real. You just can't see it because I'm a fat 200 pound man. Otherwise I'm in great shape.
Oh yeah, I should probably mention that Kehau is supposed to have a fitness blog of her own, but it's supposed to be a "soft opening." What the heck girl, you write for a LIVING. Just post the damn thing already, geez. I want to post comments already.
And on that note, (Like the segway? You've gotta have a way to transition.) I've had some people at the gym tell me they can't post comments on the blog anymore. Which sucks because reading comments after I write this damn thing is the best part about keeping a blog. Let me know if it's still a problem gang.
What I mean is tell me about it at the gym of course, since you can't leave a comment for me.
Until next time,
Okay, this is a test to see if I can post a comment. Hopefully this works.
ReplyDeleteHAHAHAHAHAA. Awesome new pix. See? Even Angela Benoit knows who the real winner is...
ReplyDeleteBut just a fair warning: Upping your background photos won't change the fact that my blog is going to rock yours
ReplyDelete"soft launch"
I can post!!