The following is a personal narrative from County employees
Stacia Ash and Rod Antone regarding their experiences at
Crossfit Raw Fitness Maui which is located at
800 Eha St.
Stacia: On March 10, as part of the County’s health and wellness
program, Kristi and Robert at Raw Fitness Maui offered
County employees a free Demo class at their Wailuku based
gym Crossfit RFM. I attended this free session with several
county employees including Holly, Rod Antone and Mike.
Rod: Just to let everyone know Robert “Bumper” Kikuchi is my
classmate (Maui High c/of 90!!!) and he talked me into checking
out his gym during our 20-year class reunion this summer. I did
and it changed my life, no joke.
Stacia: Rod’s about 6 months ahead of me training wise. For
me, my Cross-fit workout began with a brief overview of the
Cross-fit format. Next we did a warm-up and Robert gave us
some instruction and demonstrated some of the movements in
the workout of the day (WOD). Then we did a modified work-out
and got our heart rates up!! Finally we ended with a gentle cooldown
and stretch.
Rod: My first workout I warmed up with a 200-meter run then
did a quick sit-up, push-up and squat routine that made me
sweat right off the bat. Then I tried to do seven sets of seven
rep thrusters and burpees. I failed totally and think I got three
sets max before collapsing. Don’t worry, Bumper only saves that
for his classmates.
Stacia: For me, I found this style of working out to be fun,
exciting and motivating. Part of what made this so is that we
work out together, cheering each other on and subtly competing
against and pushing each other. I also enjoy the fact that you
never have to decide what you are going to do that day, it is
all decided ahead of time by the instructors and laid out on the
whiteboard for you to see and follow. The weekly workouts are
also posted on the web, so you can see in advance what you
will be doing so you can prepare mentally if need be!! (or avoid
a particularly intimidating day)
Rod: Stacia is right. Working out at Crossfit is like being at a
team practice. You warm up together, you work out together and
you compete against each other AND support each other at the
same time. Everybody has strengths and weaknesses and each
workout addresses each person’s own set of limitations.
Stacia: Also the emphasis at Crossfit at all times is to ensure all
participants are able to safely perform the exercises correctly
with proper technique and form. Because the focus is on quality
of instruction, technique, safety and effectiveness, they require
all new clients to attend a series of introductory “Elements”
sessions before being eligible to attend the open classes. The
Elements program is a series of 6 sessions (3x a week, Mon.,
Wed., Fri.) over a 2 week period. Now, normally the Elements
sessions cost $160, but they generously offered COM employees
to attend this for FREE!!!
Rod: The cost might worry some people but I would never pay
this for a regular gym. Crossfit RFM is more like having a personal
trainer, which would usually cost $60 an hour. Once you
try it you’ll understand why it’s worth it.
Stacia: Although I am adventurous I am also frugal so I was
worried about cost too. Still I decided to give it a try and I am
glad I did!! Not only did I love the work-out format, but I LOVE
the instructors (who are buff, beautiful and lovely people), I love
the other gung-ho participants who attend, and I LOVE the actual
work-outs. I am already a very active person. But this style
of working out is all new to me…..they have me doing really
interesting difficult things that I would not normally do!! For example,
I cannot do a full pull-up on bar, I can squeeze out about
one half of a pull-up…shameful I think. But at this gym, we use
assist bands and I find myself able to do almost 10 pull-ups!!! I
am so proud and I can’t wait to get stronger and move up to the
next band/level of difficulty! Plus we jump-rope and do so many
isometric exercises I never dreamed of.
Rod: They are buff and yes Kristi is very cute (Bumper not so
much) but looking great is secondary at Crossfit RFM. The main
thing is they want you to feel great. They want you to be able
to run up those stairs and not get tired or carry your kids and
chase them around the house and not be winded. Your body will
get physically fit as you train but the difference is you’ll have the
practical strength, speed and stamina to go along with it, unlike
a regular gym.
Stacia: I just finished my 6 Elements sessions and I am super
excited to begin working out with the group…I start tomorrow! I
highly encourage all county employees to give this format/gym
a try. They have free classes on Saturdays at 10 a.m. and it’s so
For more information, visit