Thursday, July 28, 2011

You gotta have some inspiration

So, not sure if anyone noticed, but I haven't been blogging lately.

It's not because I'm lazy, or haven't had time, or am not interested anymore. It's just that, I've gotta feel it when I write something. And I just haven't been inspired lately.

Sure I've had some good workouts, lots to talk about. Like I ran a 1:22 for the 400 this week. Not bad I guess. I'd like to improve for sure.

Also I managed to crank out 40 pullups on Tuesday's WOD which had us doing four rounds of running the 200 then cranking out as many reps as we could on pullups. I was slow with the run but made the most with the pullups. My biceps hurt and I was happy but still not inspired to write.

And on Wednesday I started doing double unders with some consistency. Like nine or ten at a time. I was surprised and stoked but still not in the writing mood. Yeah, I don't know, just wasn't feelin it.

I've even had some pretty good funny stuff happen. Carried Lori for the 200 on Tuesday then carried Kats (for a much shorter distance) on Wednesday. Bump is promising pain and fortune with extra cardio workouts and I'm actually looking forward to it, although I think I'll hate it when I actually start working.

Still, no inspiration.

And then I clicked on this link:

Watch the video. Watch these people workout. See how in shape they are. See the upside down push-ups USING THE RINGS!?!?!??!!?

Yeah baby, that's what I'm talking about. Crossfit games. I want to get there one day.

But how? How do I compete? How do I train for something like that? It seems like at my present pace I'll be 45 years old before I can even try. This is not a rip on RFM or their training by the way, I'm looking at myself and saying that this body will take some time to get into the kind of shape that it needs to be in for the games.

Is it possible? Sure. The great advantage of being me is that I'm pretty stupid when it comes to acknowledging my limits. Of course there are some drawbacks to that (see torn pectoral blog post from last year) but mostly it's a good thing.

Ok let me rephrase that, with RFM's help and guidance it is a good thing. For the most part. I think.

So, sorry it's taken so long to get inspired, but it feels great to write again. And to have a lofty goal to draw inspiration from.

While we're on the subject, what inspires you?

Let me know.



  1. Rod, I feel you in regards to just not being inspired to write. I have a draft started on my blog that I have been fiddling with for the last week, and it is just not happening. SO, I feel you there.

    What inspires me? Well alot of things. Seeing others in the box pushing themselves. Like you for example. You want to look your best so you can woo the Nevada hotties Maui style in Vegas - I have seen you working hard when you thought no one was looking...and you are really working hard Rod, I know it and I see it and I see the results, you are getting there!!!

    MARY - OMG - inspires me!! Daayyummm to be 50 and in that kinda shape going to compete at the Games, that is insane! To hear her talk about setting her goal and getting there...WOW!

    Seeing the new people at the box - Chandler, Jan, Kelly and the rest of you for sticking your neck out to jump in and workout Crossfit style - THAT inspires me.

    So, there you go, you asked...



  2. I know what you mean about inspiration.

    I was having a hard time finding inspiration too. I guess I need to start taking more pictures and stuff.

    pictures usually give me more inspiration. even hard WODS are starting to get stuck in the brain and refuse to come out in typing.

    pictures are worth a thousand words right?

  3. (I'll try not to make my comment the length my comment on Kehau's blog about my man

    I noticed, the lack of RFM blog updates... and these blogs are my inspiration.

    Truly, besides the humorous & inspiring blogs, all of you guys are my inspiration. It is awesome to come and sweat with you all and suffer together, and share in everyone's successes and results (VEGAS, BABY...Go Rod!). It makes it way more fun and bearable. That being said, I'm going into RFM withdrawals. I did a Jillian Michael's dvd workout yesterday since I'm on my RFM hiatus, and even though I worked up a sweat, it just wasn't the same. I miss you guys and can't wait to get back in there with you all. Until then...keep on keeping on!

    You are all my inspiration! Thanks for making working out "fun". :)

  4. Yeah Gladys, I took a hiatus too between July and September and it wasn't working. Your body never truly feels like it's working out if you do something other than an RFM workout. They got you!

  5. Miss you Gladys!! Get your life scheduled and organized you awesome woman you and get your okole (and the rest of you too) back to the box, will ya?!?!

