Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Let me be the keymaster

Because I start work early and because my office is in Wailuku, I usually get to RFM first. Say at around 4:35 p.m. (barring late meetings of course).

That said, it only makes sense that I have a key to the gym. No?

I could open it up early, let everybody change clothes and stretch and be ready for the coach when he or she wants to start the warm-up promptly at 5 p.m.

Plus no outsiders are going to want to come and harass me if I'm at the gym alone. I'm just not harassable. Plus even if they do come by I'll scare them away with the following key phrases:

"Wanna join the gym? No? Then get the hell out."

"Sure you can stay but I'm working out nude. That way I can focus on my technique."

"The gym has helped me become much more stable. I haven't had a psychotropic episode in months."

"Hey, does this rag smell like chloroform to you?"

It'll work, trust me.

Make me keymaster!



  1. L M A O!!!!!! I am laughing so hard right now!! But, IF I was an owner, ummm NO, no key for you...just too scary...


  2. haha. it sort of makes sense. except to put the lives of the early arriving athletes in your hands would seem, er, how do i put it . .. irresponsible? nah, nah. i think robert and kristi could be swayed? i do agree that you would be better at fending off any peepers better than me. we already know how it worked when i was at the gym early, and alone...

  3. Rod - nobody has ever asked to help spot your snatch?
