Tuesday, March 20, 2012

I just got a cramp in my back while wiping my ass

Holy crap.

So today I returned to the gym after taking a week off to hang with a friend who is visiting from D.C.

I'd say we were pretty active. Swimming, hiking, jumping off waterfalls.

But there were some beers involved almost every day for 7 days straight. Sometimes just a few, sometimes much more than a few.

Let's face it, I was drinking a lot and not really taking care of my body. Unless you count running through Twin Falls with a 12 pack of beer and a box of Minit Stop chicken. (Hey, I was on vacation.)

Then I went back to Raw Fitness today. Oh Lord.

The workout: 3 rounds of running 400 meters, 30 double unders, 20 push-ups and 10 pull-ups.

Ah man. So the first round I'm okay, except it takes me a while to do double unders. But running out of the gate the second round I was winded as hell. Had to actually stop several times during the run.

I could feel it as the beer sweat poured out of my skin. I could have filled a pitcher with what was being sweat off of my body. Woof.

At least my back wasn't getting stiff but it was taking me a long time to do 10 pull-ups. I even felt a little faint at one point.

Whew. Finally it was over. Not happy about the 17 minutes it took me but you kind of accept that you're going to do crappy after you take a week off.

BUT. . . then I got home. You probably know what's coming up based upon the title of today's post.

I'm in the bathroom and doing the deed. It's time to clean up and I friggin get a CRAMP in my right lat as I reach backwards to wipe.

I couldn't move my arm and had to raise it above my head to stretch it out. And every time I reached back there I would cramp.

I finally had to switch arms which if you've ever tried that it's kinda awkward.


That's why it's about time. After the Warrior Dash this weekend I'm going Paleo. I told  Bump this at the gym and he said let's go Paleo till our 40th birthdays this summer. I was down, but had to list some conditions.

Me: "Yeah, paleo . . . except for Cinco De Mayo."

Him: "Yeah, except for that."

Me: "Yeah. . . and maybe 4th of July."

Him: "And 4th of July . . . and other holidays."

Good job. So paleo except for holidays. I can live with that. Let's see how that works.

By the way I'm afraid to use the bathroom again. Just sayin.




  1. Brother Rod,
    Question.............. did you finish wiping, o well, we will know by tomorrow's workout, by the way, i want in on the diet. great blog!

    Brother Bruce

  2. Bruce! I am honored that you stopped by. You sure you want in on the diet?
