Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Bob's Advice

You guys know Bob right? My cousin's husband who I brought into the RFM world way back and now he can't live without it.

Well Bob was at the 4 p.m. workout and had some sage advice for me as I got ready for the 5 p.m. class.

"It's all about the 800 today, just go for it."

He's a smart man and that's exactly what I did.

But I digress, let me explain.

Today's workout was a lot of running. Run 800 meters, come back and do 40 lunges, then drop and do 20 sit-ups. Then run 400 meters, do 30 lunges and 15 sit-ups, finally run the 200 meter, do 20 lunges and 10 sit-ups.

Bob was right. You gotta do well at the 800 because that's the only run that you have before the lunges. After that your legs are kinda toast.

To prep for this Bump in his wisdom decides we need to run before we run. So we hold some sprint races and I get paired with Bruce's 20 something year old son that is a lean mean Crossfitting machine. This kid is born to do this stuff.

But then we do this one race where we sit down, cross-legged and have to get up and turn around then take off running.

I knew I had the advantage because, well, I'm half filipino. You can't beat a filipino at squatting and then taking off real fast. We all learn from grandpa at the chicken fights. You're all squatting down betting and watching the fights then the cops come and raid the place and you gotta take off. Grandpa's gotta carry his $1000 fighting rooster and the cash so he's got no room for you.

Anyway, you get the idea. I've got genetics on my side as well as early childhood skills training.

So Bump says go and lo and behold I uncross my legs, get up and turn around faster than my young partner.

This buys me about a second and a half. He then zips past me like Hussein Bolt zips past a parked car.

Ah well, I beat him on the get up. At 39 you take your victories where you can.

So that was the warm up, then for strength we're doing deload back squats and Ikaika says something wonderful.

"Let's just do the greens the yellows and the blues today."

Meaning let's just use the 25, 35 and 45 lbs plates. No more, no less. I'm thrilled. Bruce of course does not think this is appropriate for real men and has to go 20 lbs heavier than everyone else. I'm not drinking the Kool Aid, sorry.

Then it's time for the WOD. I try to stay in the front but I fall behind quickly. Still I'm running faster than I usually would, I'm pushing pretty hard and getting winded.

Then it's back to the gym for 40 lunges. Tough, leg-burning lunges. These hurt and I'm glad to lie down and do sit-ups.

After that it just gets easier. Except for the end when someone's 13-year-old kid blows past me during the last 200 meter run. What's up with the kids kicking the old man's ass today? I try but can't catch up with him but I hit the last ten sit-ups hard and finish before he does.

Yeah. That's right. I beat some kid that can't even shave yet. Take that.

Goals. You gotta have 'em.

Oh yes, Icy Hot before the workout. Key. Can't even tell you how this saved my back from stiffening up during the run today. I'm gonna buy a vat of this stuff. Soon.

By the way, I'd like to say sorry to all of my faithful readers, meaning my fellow RFMer's and maybe Freddy and Chyna in Cali and DMeyer in Oregon, because Blogger is EFFING UP MY COMMENTS PAGE.

People have been complaining that they've been trying to leave comments and can't do it. All I can say is trying using Google Chrome as your browser, that seems to help.

 Dude, it's free. Not much I  can do to complain about this. I'll try to search  for some answers though.

In the meantime, peace out,



  1. I have no problems commenting Rod...I don't know what those guys are complaining about...pfft...

    And YES, Bob is the quiet one in the gym, but is a "Wise WOD'er" and definately a force to be reckoned with...and by the way HE does like it when I yell at him and cheer him on...he always comes up to me after a WOD and says..."thanks for the push" See, Rod, why can't you interpret my "vocal support" as encouragement...must be something residual from your childhood...need to talk about it? I'm here for you bro...


  2. What browser do you use Carrol? And is it from your smartphone or from home computer?

  3. I can post from my iPad! I'll try from my computer using IE and Firefox later

  4. I am at work now, and I use IE on my desktop, and I use Chrome (desktop) from home, no problem with either...BUT I did have issues before posting to the RFM Blog...not anymore. Not sure why. Hope this helps..

