Thursday, April 26, 2012

Okay, one more time

I truly believe that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery so I was thrilled to see that CrossfitOneWorld ( reposted my link to the 60 Minutes video about sugar being toxic.

Actually they posted the Youtube copy of the story because there's trouble with the link. If you have trouble just Google "60 Minutes" and the words "sugar" and "toxic" and you'll find it. Here it is again just in case.

I'm telling you, watch this report by Dr. Sanjay Gupta, who is probably one of the world's leading broadcast news journalists on medical news if not THE top medical reporter in the world, and you will have NO TROUBLE giving up the sugar portion of the Paleo diet.

And if I was still a journalist, I probably would have tried to localize the story by talking to HC&S. I mean, how does the local sugar industry on Maui feel about something like that? The only good thing is their competitors, the corn syrup industry, felt the bomb too because they were all considered toxic.

I guess the golden rule is, get your sugar from fruits. Period.

Damn it I am going to miss ice cream. That and when my son gets here this summer I'm going to have a hell of a time changing his diet.

On another note.

So my last post I said I was "protecting my back" using Biofuel and Icy Hot and other Tiger Balmish muscle ointments and lotions and such. And of course Beezelbump says hey, try using good form.

Ahem. Dude. I am. But those KB swings take a toll on you, especially if you're going to do 100 of  them. Just like doing 30 snatches in a row caused you, me and Frank to be disoriented and walk like the Tin Man from the Wizard of Oz.

The difference is that with the Icy Hot I can at least finish the workout. Who knows, if I had done that during the snatches maybe I could have thrown up a couple of reps with the next weight.

I'm just sayin.

But enough about me. Check out what this one gal, Annie, posted on the CrossfitOneWorld site about the Paleo diet. Not a bad argument:

Sorry caveman people, you are not eating like a caveman. Having meat everymeal? They didnt have fridges and freezers. They caught something, feasted on it probably raw for a while till it went bad or was gone. Then had to survive on greens, seeds, fruit ect. the remainder of the time, sometimes for days until their next kill. None of this cooked fish, steak, eggs,chicken, all in one day. duh. Stop thinking because someone told you its eating like a caveman that it is...start thinking for yourself, commmon sense. Good fad tho!

I'm thinking she's right, Paleo isn't EXACTLY what the caveman ate back then.

Then again, who knows? I wasn't there back then and I'm pretty sure she wasn't either.

What she doesn't talk about is whether the diet works or not. I'm not sure she's tried it, she didn't indicate that either way.

Not sure how to take this. Obviously she's dismissing Paleo as a "fad" but maybe also promoting a more vegan diet?

I've often wondered about going vegetarian because, let's face it, I've got some bulk on me. It's shapely bulk no doubt but bulk nonetheless. Yes, round is a shape so shut up.

Anyway, thought her critique might invoke some responses out there. Yes, this is called "provoking the audience/reader." I used to do this for a living folks.

So, any thoughts? Hopefully you folks can find a way to post. Let the Blogger gods be with you.



  1. You know I was gonna have to comment....

    "Ahem. Dude. I am. But those KB swings take a toll on you, especially if you're going to do 100 of them. Just like doing 30 snatches in a row caused you, me and Frank to be disoriented and walk like the Tin Man from the Wizard of Oz."

    After the Games Open snatch workout I was walking around like that because of lack of oxygen to my brain because my conditioning sucked, not because my back was sore. I will admit that my back was a little tight immediately after the workout, but that was because after doing 30+ snatches my form went to shit and I started pulling with my back instead of driving with my legs. And the next day, my HAMSTRINGS and GLUTES were wrecked, not my back. I'm gonna say it again...if your back is locking up during KB swings or snatches...YOU ARE DOING IT WRONG!! We'll bust out the frame-by-frame video and see where your problem is.

    As for the paleo diet thing...I agree with the statement that we are not eating as if we were ACTUAL cavemen, just like we aren't sleeping in a hole in a rock and wiping our asses with leaves. But we are trying to eat what our bodies are designed to eat. Like Freddy said in that post the best advice is probably:

    "Eat meats and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and no sugar. Keep intake to levels that will support exercise but not body fat."

    Keep it simple and don't overthink it.

  2. Beezlebump getting firey!!! FOR SHIZZLE MY BEEZLE, BRING IT ON!!!!!!!!!

  3. What did you expect? You know I am the form nazi.

  4. She was kinda bashing the paleo diet by calling it a fad but she also said it's a good fad, so not sure how to take that either. I wanted to post on the comments to her that it would be almost impossible to eat exactly like a caveman would because we can't hunt/gather or own food like they did and also point out that their lifespan was also probably half what ours is today because of starvation and lack of protein so living like that might not be a good idea anyway. Besides it's called paleo not because we eat exactly like they did but rather similar items that they did. Just my thoughts on the matter.

    As for the form issue, I think form does have a lot to do with it but I must say that 100 reps of a workout that does use even a little of the back muscles will make it sore. I know mine is sore specifically due to bad form from deadliifts and kettlebells.
