Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Small Kine Dirty Lickins

I know everyone that reads this blog has seen me bitch about a workout. It's nothing new.

BUT  . . . yesterday was a whole new level of ass whuppin. Like I couldn't get off the floor for 15 minutes.

It didn't look that terrible on the board. WOD: 30 double unders, 20 kettle bell swings and 10 burpees. You get a minute rest then repeat for four rounds total.

I kinda raised my eyebrows at the 1 minute rest. Something about that worried me.

Later Bump explained that if we're resting for a whole minute he fully expected us to sprint through this workout.

And that's what killed me, the sprint. I was flying on DU's, moving at a decent pace for the dumbell swings and hitting the burpees at the slow but constant pace.

At the end of each round I was super winded. At the end of the fourth round I felt like I was in shock.

I'm not kidding. I was in shock when I tore my pectoral. I remember rolling around on the ground, feeling nauseated and not being able to catch my breath and breathe. That is what yesterday felt like, minus the nausea.

But it was a good workout. Today looks like another one.

On another note, my brother has finally started to get serious about his health. No, he's not joining Crossfit (yet) but he's starting to diet and watch what he eats. He's doing the "Eat to Live" program and has been seeing some results. He doesn't eat any chicken, fish, meat or any other type of flesh.

It sounds boring but his face is getting skinnier. Just to mess with him I brought over some guri guri and Komoda bakery goods. He didn't stand a chance. Ha.

See ya at the box,


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