Monday, July 2, 2012

Pressing Past the Pain . . . sorta

Today might have been one of the most frustrating days in my brief but happy Crossfit career at RFM.

As you know if you've been reading this blog, which according to my Google analytics page no one really is but whatever, then you know I've got something seriously messed up with my shoulder.

Like I can't even comb my hair because it requires me to raise my hand above my head.

It's frustrating and painful and sucks. And today I really, really, really needed my shoulder.

For today we were looking for our one rep max for 1) back squats, 2) presses and 3) deadlifts.

In case you missed it, presses, as in shoulder presses. As heavy as you possibly can lift.

I was so angry at my shoulder, you have no idea. Especially when I look on the board and see that Ikaika did 175.

Now I know I can do 175. I've done 185 before and that was about six months ago.

If not for this shoulder injury I could probably do more now, but whatever.

I knew I should have just done the squats and deadlifts and shined the presses but I just couldn't. Even the voice of reason, Bob, gave me a little smack down and said I should be "mature" and just wait for my shoulder to heal instead of trying to prove something.

He's right damn it. So was Bump when he said not to worsen my injury.

But then Bruce showed up and was talking about squatting barefoot because he has a broken toe and that 175 that Ikaika did was staring me in the face . . .

Well, what can I say? I've been accused of a lot of things in my life but being mature isn't one of them.

So I pressed. I figured I had a chance if I lifted fast and got the weight up quick.

I was right, I did 135, 155 and 165 easy.

Then I tried to jump to 185. No dice.

Then I went down to 175 and still I was stuck. Because of my injury I had no muscles to push through that "sticking" zone right above your head during the press.

So I had to be satisfied with 165, which felt entirely lame. But Bump pointed out that when my shoulder healed I could redo my one rep max total.

On another note I was happy with my squat (275) and my deadlift (375). Good to lift with Al and Bob because we were all around the same strength level and pushed each other just enough to lift the heaviest weights we could handle.

But I am kinda nervous to see if my pressing with my shoulder today has any consequences. Guess I'll just have to wait and see.

Cross your fingers for me. Later gang.



  1. Aww man...I did see the look you had at the end of class. :( I hope your shoulder gets better soon.

  2. Thanks Kathy, and welcome to the world of RFM and I Hate Cardio!!! You're doing great by the way, keep it up!
