So I've missed several key workouts this week and last and they all just happen to involve lower body workouts.
What a coinkydink yeah? No seriously I would have been there but for work.
I usually get off at 4:30 but there's always the chance of a late meeting, which is part of my job. And I like my job, really.
But I like working out too.
Anyway I did make it to Wednesday's workout which was my sorta workout. Bench for strength (deload week) then Pendlay Rows (I used to call them bent over rows back in the 24/hour Fitness days) superset with pushups. Ten rows and 20 pushups for 4 rounds to be exact.
Now see, I've done this with Bumper before, like two months ago. The rows are just a distraction and it doesn't really matter how much weight you put on there. It's the pushups that kill you.
Sure enough, I slap on the 45's on each side of the barbell and they go up and down like nothing. The pushups on the other hand, well, let's just say I rocked the first two sets, started lagging on the third and had almost nothing in the gas tank for the fourth set.
Seriously, I was down to doing one pushup then resting, then doing one more. The new kid Pat powered through the pushups like nothing. Nice job.
Later on I watched the D man, Derek, hit the workout. He struggled but never gave up. He's got the gimp shoulder which limits his upper body stuff which I can totally relate to because of my back and weak legs. I want to push harder at my lower body but am limited by my, well, physical limitations. So is Derek.
I watched him afterwards when he finished, the last to do so, then look kinda discouraged as everyone high fived him and said, "Good job!" and "Right on D!" He was all, "Yeah thanks."
I know that look, it was the "I EFFIN SUCK" look along with the "I'M SO TIRED OF THIS BULLSHIT INJURY SLOWING ME DOWN" feeling.
He even said to me earlier that day that he was "tired of playing that card" when it comes to his shoulder and not being able to perform as well as he should during upper body days.
That's how I feel during lower body days m'man. My back tightens up like a winch and I'm freakin feel like I'm partially paralyzed.
I feel you brother. Believe me.
On that note I'm making another appointment at Kaiser. Right now. Please God do not send another tsunami to cancel my appointment.
What a coinkydink yeah? No seriously I would have been there but for work.
I usually get off at 4:30 but there's always the chance of a late meeting, which is part of my job. And I like my job, really.
But I like working out too.
Anyway I did make it to Wednesday's workout which was my sorta workout. Bench for strength (deload week) then Pendlay Rows (I used to call them bent over rows back in the 24/hour Fitness days) superset with pushups. Ten rows and 20 pushups for 4 rounds to be exact.
Now see, I've done this with Bumper before, like two months ago. The rows are just a distraction and it doesn't really matter how much weight you put on there. It's the pushups that kill you.
Sure enough, I slap on the 45's on each side of the barbell and they go up and down like nothing. The pushups on the other hand, well, let's just say I rocked the first two sets, started lagging on the third and had almost nothing in the gas tank for the fourth set.
Seriously, I was down to doing one pushup then resting, then doing one more. The new kid Pat powered through the pushups like nothing. Nice job.
Later on I watched the D man, Derek, hit the workout. He struggled but never gave up. He's got the gimp shoulder which limits his upper body stuff which I can totally relate to because of my back and weak legs. I want to push harder at my lower body but am limited by my, well, physical limitations. So is Derek.
I watched him afterwards when he finished, the last to do so, then look kinda discouraged as everyone high fived him and said, "Good job!" and "Right on D!" He was all, "Yeah thanks."
I know that look, it was the "I EFFIN SUCK" look along with the "I'M SO TIRED OF THIS BULLSHIT INJURY SLOWING ME DOWN" feeling.
He even said to me earlier that day that he was "tired of playing that card" when it comes to his shoulder and not being able to perform as well as he should during upper body days.
That's how I feel during lower body days m'man. My back tightens up like a winch and I'm freakin feel like I'm partially paralyzed.
I feel you brother. Believe me.
On that note I'm making another appointment at Kaiser. Right now. Please God do not send another tsunami to cancel my appointment.
It's true man, Im ready to start moving forward again on my ailment. Im really trying to put the shoulder issue out of site and out of mind. You shouldn't hear me talking about it anymore. I feel luckier than you though. I have no pain. I just physically breakdown fast, which is frustrating. I dont know if I could hang with pain like you have. I hope they get your back squared away soon! Keep on trucking, as always your a total rockstar, continue to make it happen. Thanks for the shout out. ~ D-Man