Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Kind of.

I'll start from the beginning.

Today for strength we benched. Ended up doing 235 four times. Yessir. Getting stronger.

Oh and we superset that with chin-ups. Like old school. No Kipping and we turned our grip around so it was all bicep. Different.

Then for conditioning we did the following: run 200 meters, 10 ring dips and then as many burpees as possible before the two minute time limit is up.

For four rounds. I know what you're thinking. Why do the burpees at all?

Well, that's because that's how we keep score at RFM. It's called "pain."

So we start. And I pace myself. I'm last as I come in for the first 200.

The ring dips suck, and then I crank out about 8 burpees.

But I'm not tired or winded. We rest for a minute and run again. Same thing. I pace myself.

Same for the third round. But I look around and see that Garth is on the ground hunched over and Bumper is asking him if he's going to lose his lunch.

He was cranking out the burpees I guess. I was going another route.

We line up for the last 200 and Bumper says "go." I blast off. I'm talking about sprinting at full speed.

I'm going so fast I have to grab the gate to guide me as I run out of the parking lot. It was about there that I notice that might knees are pumping so high they're almost to my chin.

Thank God Derek wasn't there because I wouldn't have been able to beat him. But he wasn't and when I hit the fire hydrant and turned around everyone was still behind me.

I got back and tried to make the most of it. I jumped up and tried to crank out the ring dips but I could only do one or two at a time. Everyone started catching up. When I finally got done I only had time to do 8 burpees.

So yeah, not my greatest performance but it was fun blowing past everyone on the sprint. And now Kehau wants to race me because she said she can beat me at short distance. Yeahhhhhhhh maybe if we do a 50 air squats first. Or four sets of 10 front squats or box jumps.

But a nice sprint with no other foolishness attached to it? Not happening. If my back isn't blown out I can run against anybody. (Short distance of course)

Like I've said many times during this blog, I'm taking my victories where I can.

Rest day tomorrow, see ya Friday gang.


1 comment:

  1. "If my back isn't blown out I can run against anybody. (Short distance of course"

    I just might have to take you up on that challenge!
