Friday, July 1, 2011

Cheating, eating and big bastards

First off I've got some other nonRFM photos that I'd like to share, stuff that I looked up when I started this other blog of mine called the Crossfit Alliance. The idea was to have a community website for all Crossfit Affiliates that served a different purpose than It was more to share the funny stories and inspirational stories and all that. Kinda fell to the wayside. Anyway I looked up some motivational pics to decorate my other site with and here they are in no particular order. (This was back in December by the way, before I started working 24/7.)

Okay this one isn't so much inspirational as I like it because my arms look HUGE. Like 24-inch eat your vitamins, say your prayers and let HULKAMANIA run wild over YOU kinda huge. Optical illusion I know.

And this one I like because that's a lot of weight and he looks crazy. That's the effort I want to put in when I lift and run and jump and do all the crazy RFM crap that we do. Anyway, those be my images that I had set aside for the Crossfit Alliance. Maybe I'll start it up again but this website and my job are plenty right now.

Ok, so let's talk cheating. People have been talking about me cheating in the gym and various blogs because I said I cheated the last time. But I don't do it all the time, especially not upper body workouts. Squats kill me though so if you're going to help me not cheat watch me anytime I drop my ass down to the floor. "I just cannt doo it Capt'n, I donnat have the pooowweeerrrrrr . . . ." (Three cheers if you get that Star Trek reference because it goes through my mind when I fail at the gym.)

Also, Rikki is stepping up some GAME. She's already got 15 pictures per blog post and writes pages and pages of content. I feel like I'm trying to compete against a heroin addict looking for smack. You just can't stop her. Good job Rickster, keep it up.

Also, Tehau the Mentalnesian has gained more commenters than I. It's like reading the old Star Bulletin online comment page. They're longer than the story itself. Wow, I know she's popular and strong and intimidating but where's the love for I Hate Cardio? Where are my comments? Although I must admit, who can resist a good egg-pun? For more eggsamples check out an ancient Star Bulletin story by clicking this link here:

Okay, gotta get ready for work. Adios and see you at the gym. Today's workout should be fine. Those airsquats are going to suck though. And this brings up a good point. Should I take a step back and and do bar dips or continue to struggle through ring dips? Derek brought up a good point about technique and I'm wondering if I should scale back on certain things.

Finally, eating. I'm going back to Paleo (sans beer and liquor) and reading the Whole 30 blog every day for inspiration. The only line that matters is "all you're doing is making good food choices, every day."

That's really what it boils down to. Don't REACT to your hunger, take ACTION. Make the choice and walk away to find something healthy. We aren't starving children in Africa and we won't die because we have to wait a couple of hours to go to Whole Foods. So man up. (I'm talking to myself right now but apply it to you if you want).




  1. Hey, I've been commenting on your AMAZINGLY FUNNY blog entries...just making that clear.

    Also thank you for comparing me to a heroin addict...donno if thats a compliment but i'll take it. also I am the underdog here so I'm the one trying to get to your elite statues. ;)

    as for the pictures, and the squats for tonight....guess that means I need to get there early so I can catch you in action on film, and then feature you in one of my next blogs. :)

    anyhow, love reading your blog Rod! Can't wait for the next one.

  2. Herion addict looking for smack is the ultimate compliment. Unless of course you are an actual heroin addict looking for smack. Then you need help.

  3. I'm sorry I haven't posted any comments in the past. I look forward to reading your blogs. Extremely witty!
